Example sentences of "[conj] could be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He went on to consider , however , whether the court 's jurisdiction over the question whether the housing authority had provided was only supervisory , or could be challenged in private law proceedings .
2 Which aspects of black or female cultures are or could be incorporated into high status knowledge ?
3 Erm the greenbelt objectives which we identify with or could be compromised by significant peripheral expansion , or the expansion of a settlement within the greenbelt , were primarily the effecting the setting of the historic city , which we and the County considered and refer to more than just the green wedges , and but involve the whole countryside , and the setting of the settlements within the greenbelt around the Greater York area , expansion of lar large urban areas into the countryside , possible coalescence of settlements .
4 Furthermore , if the recently reported patency rates of 85% obtained with front-loaded alteplase and conjunctive intravenous heparin can be linked with strategies to prevent reocclusion , the potential additional benefit that could be gained with engineered plasminogen activators might only be marginal .
5 With the development of appropriate piston corers in the late 1940s it was possible to collect columns of sediment 10–30 m in length which contained material that could be dated by radiometric and other means and could also provide environmental information , for example by analysing the frequency of sensitive foraminifera .
6 Because of this Barro treats as the best prediction that could be made by rational agents of the value of .
7 The new world was one in which there was an increased emphasis on the social obligations of the wealthy , on the whole question of relations between management and labour , and on the legitimate degree of social and political power that could be exercised by wealthy elites .
8 Although all felt that they had found a means of living which enabled them to be open to this reality , they nevertheless say that it was experienced as a gift and a grace beyond anything that could be achieved by conscious effort .
9 At least one high-readiness multinational corps is expected to be a rapid-deployment force that could be sent from central Europe to keep the peace or do battle elsewhere .
10 Even if the government neglected to veto legislation of this sort , the Westminster Parliament could in theory pass laws to repeal colonial legislation , but in practice Parliament did not legislate on issues that could be seen as internal concerns of the colonies and did not go round picking up loose ends left by the governors .
11 Amendment of the Irish constitution is , of course , a matter for the Republic , but I am glad that it continues to be an issue that could be tackled in fresh political talks .
12 To supplement the natural barrier provided by the marshes themselves , ditches were constructed that could be flooded with giant pumps and even electrified , to create what was described by the Guardian 's correspondent as a ‘ giant moat ’ and by the Iraqi corps commander of the area as a ‘ fish trap ’ .
13 The southern colonies , in the islands or on the American mainland , offered tobacco and other products that could be exchanged for English exports or help the London re-export trade , but the agricultural products of New England were similar enough to those of England to mean that there were not many openings for trade , and this meant that the differences caused by religion were not healed by close commercial relations .
14 Although emphasis was initially upon recognition of the variety of landscape features , sediments and structures that could be developed under periglacial conditions , the potential subsequently arose of developing a greater knowledge of phases of periglacial landscape development , and in Poland and other countries in Europe this emphasis was clearly evident in research in the 1960s and much of the research was reflected in Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1975 ) which was one of two books to derive from the earlier Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1968 ) .
15 For example , Prentky , in his book Creativity and Psychopathology , tabulates the probable psychiatric diagnoses that could be applied to certain eminent writers , artists , scientists and composers .
16 The Americans would have thousands of surplus transport aircraft that could be turned to civil use , and a well-developed transport aircraft industry ; the British , on the other hand , would have virtually none .
17 Good-quality gritstone that could be dressed for architectural purposes was found deep beneath the fell .
18 This innovation allowed ministers to prescribe the maximum local rate that could be levied by particular local authorities .
19 The contamination of land and water by such substances constitutes a pollution hazard that could be reduced by scavenging mechanisms which could provide a means of recycling these substances for industrial and agricultural use .
20 The Spanish victory of Bailén ( July 1808 ) was the inevitable consequence of Napoleon 's belief that the conquest of Spain was a police operation that could be entrusted to inferior troops .
21 And also , as a children 's programme , I was intent upon it containing basic factual information that could be described as educational- — or , at least , mind-opening for them .
22 the data suggest a change in atmospheric composition that could be linked with dramatic changes in human activity , first starting in the Elizabethan age and then in this century .
23 Looking back on the decision a few years later , he interpreted it in these terms : " What I wanted was some counterweight to my changeable and restless inclinations , a science that could be pursued with cool impartiality , with cold logic , with regular work , without its results touching me at all deeply . "
24 From the sixteenth century onwards , various improvements were made to increase the amount of grass and hay that could be produced from low-lying meadowland .
25 Nevertheless , Benelux did advance further than other proposals for economic union , such as that toyed at in 1945 and again in 1948 by France and Italy , and perhaps it offered valuable lessons that could be learnt by future attempts in the same direction .
26 It implied a quest for perfection : a quest that could inspire an astonishing quantity of new translations of Greek authors , original literature on Greek models , and theoretical writing informed by the Greek achievements ; and a quest that could be interpreted by subsequent generations in a variety of ways .
27 Situated below a hill between the valleys of the Ribble and Eden the bore marked the determination of the LMS to refuse to be beaten by obstacles that could be over-come by sheer practical means .
28 The only thing I like about him is the feeling that there is something there that could be used for good if it could be got at .
29 Scientists now believe life is based on an infinite variety of polypeptides , with a great potential for unrealized polypeptides that could be used in living systems .
30 The GMC may have its hands tied in terms of the disciplinary action that it can take itself , but it is in a position to collect information that could be used by other interested bodies .
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