Example sentences of "[conj] well [conj] [noun] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes yeah outside yes and old programmes they sell at away matches , badges , season tickets as you might understand , but they , they are going to have a good day in April on the centenary day because they have it getting all the old players Tony says he , he 's been invited to attend as well and Gilbert I believe will be going and erm
2 As well as Wimbledon she won the French championship in 1955 and added the Australian title in 1958 .
3 Not everyone in the Old City was an admirer of Sheikh Osman and there were quite a few Moslems as well as Copts who rejoiced in his discomfiture .
4 On the military side the actions of European countries were to be co-ordinated principally through the Western European Union , whose nine member countries attended a ministerial meeting in Paris on Aug. 21 ( with Denmark , Greece and , exceptionally , Turkey invited to send ambassadors as observers , as well as Ireland which declined ) .
5 Contributors include the Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , David Maclean , as well as experts who have been closely associated with the Survey over many years .
6 As well as colleges who offer a distance learning route , with college support , there are colleges who are offering more structured combinations of self-study and college support to meet individual and industry demand .
7 There are , additionally , seven other quarto editions of the play published between 1604 and 1631 , all with minor variations on one or other of the two main versions , as well as records which indicate there was a 1601 quarto which is not now extant .
8 ‘ Langdale Head from Wallend , ’ is an impressive little print : as well as aquatint it appears to have soft-ground etching on the fell and rocks .
9 The District was represented by Wash , Pateman and Sophie Green as well as Shearman who had prepared the main conference document and gave the keynote talk .
10 Therefore it is difficult to interpret such statistics as those of UNEP ( 1982 ) , as well as others which calculate rates of topsoil loss per km 2 , except perhaps in cases where the rate is extremely high and where there is other evidence of obvious changes in land use .
11 Gordon Thomas gave much evidence , as well as others who had been associated with the lift .
12 Our data understate incidence because our population included many over 40 whose blood pressures under 40 had never been recorded when our screening policy began in 1968 , as well as others who migrated into the practice aged over 40 without previous recorded measurements .
13 The term ‘ gouger ’ is flexible in that it refers to known criminals as well as others who look or act as if they have a potential for crime and trouble .
14 Here I use her hypotheses as set out in her paper ‘ Some Mutual Interactions Between Organizations and Their Members ’ as well as others she has written on the same theme .
15 Within the Eastern District , Berkhamsted branch ( Hertfordshire ) hung a banner proclaiming ‘ 1903-WEA-1953 ’ in the High Street for a week , using the hoardings protecting the new site of Woolworths , and also sold literature and distributed publicity from a stall in the marketplace ; Sprowston branch ( Norfolk ) arranged an exhibition of Victoriana in the village school , with local firms and libraries as well as members themselves lending material ; Peterborough branch held a garden party at the Bishop 's House , featuring addresses by Lady Simon , one of the WEA 's vice-presidents , and by Dr. Charles Morris , chairman of the National Foundation for Adult Education .
16 The modern therapeutic armamentarium includes H 2 antagonists , mucosal protective agents , bismuth salts , and anti- Helicobacter pylon chemotherapy , as well as omeprazole which allows complete blockade of acid secretion under which condition all peptic ulcers will heal .
17 As well as titles which imply male ownership there are those which refer to roles usually filled by females .
18 There will always be people who own more than us as well as plenty who own less than us .
19 But it soon became apparent that other people were also affected including injecting drug users , people with haemophilia , people who had received blood transfusions as well as heterosexuals who came into none of these categories .
20 Goatlings can be inseminated as well as goats which have kidded before .
21 As well as courses which contribute to certificate/diploma and/or degree programmes , there is also a wide range of study packs available .
22 They were known and named — Nero the persecuting tyrant , oppressive tax systems , organised religion which institutionalised sexual promiscuity , systems of justice loaded against the defenceless and weak , customs which outlawed lepers — as well as individuals who misused power for their own ends .
23 They specialise in interesting shirts as well as underwear which started as an experiment but became their best selling items .
24 They will take very seriously their responsibility for the protection of crowned heads and deport all known anarchists , as well as people they consider suspect .
25 I know you do n't much like them , that I should have asked a couple of the hospital people as well as people who share my interests — ’
26 There is never a shortage of food and drinks on the beach and there are lots of restaurants and cafés , as well as people who stroll along the sand selling drinks and sandwiches .
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