Example sentences of "[conj] then [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If Kirsty had fallen ill once they were down in London she would have been forced to stay there until she 'd recovered — and then she would have been in serious trouble , not only with Jake but with the law as well .
2 She encouraged them to smoke and then she 'd say be smoking .
3 I could have stayed at Street till I was fourteen , I could have stayed at Street until I was fourteen , and then you would 've been out .
4 ‘ Some idiot might have seen a well-dressed elderly gent near the railway line and then you could have been questioned . ’
5 You must feel it deeply and not brush it aside , you must feel it right here , and then you can start being happy again . ’
6 Yeah , well you should of done that five hands ago and then you 'd have been seventy five pence down !
7 Jackie had had that all done and then I would have been in for my cup of tea .
8 But then he kept going on about how brilliant your party was gon na be and everything and I 'm sat there thinking let's face it , if I come on between you know , because like , it would have been alright cos I 'd be finished like , today or tomorrow and then it would have been like nice and ready for the party !
9 But then he would have been calm , I supposed , if he had n't been expecting anything to happen except before Vancouver .
10 Billy Johnson ( ‘ Look Forward in Anger ’ , 3 April , page 23 ) may have been ‘ fond of saying ’ that if they had n't induced his birth a day early he could have voted in the 1997 election , but then he would have been talking even more crap than the verbals Steve Platt so kindly recorded for us .
11 But then I 'd have been worried if they 'd been lethargic , so you ca n't have it all ways ! ’
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