Example sentences of "[conj] see [pron] [pron] have get " in BNC.

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1 The women say anyone disillusioned with the mens game , should come and see what they 've got to offer .
2 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
3 And er they used to say , Do n't you want to go and see what you 've got ?
4 ‘ We 'll go to the charity shop and see what they 've got . ’
5 No , we 'll have a look around , and see what they 've got .
6 Well let me go over and have a look at it and see what they 've got .
7 Er let's open something and see what we 've got .
8 Right , well as I say I 've got your details here so what I 'll do is if you bear with me I 'll go and a have a look through the drawers and see what we 've got available .
9 Let's just pop outside for a moment and see what we 've got to see tonight .
10 And I think if we go and have something in down by the sea and see what we 've got there I think it 'll be alright .
11 Now have a look at it and see what you 've got to do with that , got to go one , two , three , four
12 So er , I might , I might give our Mark a ring and see what he 's got in there .
13 Now come and see what I 've got for you . "
14 have a look and see what I 've got in stock .
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