Example sentences of "[conj] out [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Fears about geriatric jets falling apart or out of the skies and stricter noise regulations force airlines to order replacements .
2 Jess was in and out with the speed and turn of a ferret .
3 from right next to the needle down to the point and just go round it and then you weave it in and out like basket stitching and out over the cotton and under the cotton
4 Plenty of motor cars went in and out through the Pembroke and Gillingham Gates but it has not been suggested that there was any real night-time disturbance from traffic using the dockyard .
5 He saw it all reflected in the eyes of those blood-spattered gallopers and bears and lions and tigers and ostriches , all frozen in mid-stride , helpless witnesses of the terror they could not run from , and Preston trying desperately to escape from it , as much in terror of the mutilated corpse of Mary Moxton as he was of her murderer , and running from room to room and pulling open the last door of the last room and out into the night and down the long black tunnel under the railway line getting closer and closer to the grey patch of light at the end until , on the verge of safety , the figure would leap out at him in its bloody clothes with the meat cleaver in its hands …
6 ‘ He swirled his black necromancer 's cloak about her , and he carried her from the Sun Chamber and out through the great doors , and out into the night and none could stop him .
7 Two hundred thousand roubles in the hold-all and out into the street and into the car where the engine ticked snugly and into the traffic … and the stupid bitch had been on the pedestrian crossing , and her bags filled both hands , and she had frozen , not stepped back , and the car had hit her , swerved , crashed .
8 She intended to pick up her cases and proceed with what she was here to do , go up and out into the street and thence to Streatham Street to find the hotel .
9 He shook her off and made his way , groping through a dark lit only by the red light of the fish-tank heater , to the front door and out into the street and away .
10 By the time the train reached Ealing Broadway they had been in and out of every car and as the train returned they followed the same routine .
11 ‘ All join up for a conga , ’ I called over the racket , and soon we had a long snake winding its way in and out of the tables and finally through the door .
12 He had prowled contentedly in and out of the vestry and bellroom while she got on with her chores , had watched critically while she had arranged her six daffodils eked out with foliage in the vase at the foot of the Virgin , and had viewed with the bland indifference of childhood Miss Wharton 's frequent genuflections , obviously taking these sudden bobbings to be one more manifestation of the peculiar antics of adults .
13 In the Snowdon National Park a local Sherpa bus service was started experimentally in 1976 as a means of getting visitors into and out of the Park and reducing the volume of private cars ( Mulligan 1979 ) .
14 It is alleged by the plaintiff that the use of these roads by numerous heavy goods vehicles at night amounts to a public nuisance for which the defendants are responsible : the dock company because it controls the Gillingham Gate and by its operation of the gate and the port in general causes or permits the heavy goods vehicles to go in and out of it at all hours , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. respectively , because as sublessees of the dock company they or their customers send heavy goods vehicles in and out of the port and cause or materially contribute to the alleged nuisance .
15 After a long time , the music started to play again and Cousin Jane and Mike walked back down the aisle and out of the church and everyone followed them into the sunny afternoon .
16 They strode down the drive and out of the gate and , once through the village , struck out for the Heights , as the long sea meadows between Cramer and Dunstanburgh were inappropriately called .
17 And out of the bracken and the thin , fine rain the Welsh boiled like foam out of a hound 's jaws , to confront the English in the narrows under the hill .
18 Portsmouth manager Jim Smith spent part of the game jumping in and out of the dug-out and was obviously disappointed with the result .
19 The advance man knows the way to get VIPs in and out of the hall and how to manage their entrances and exits to the best effect .
20 People got in and out of the lifts and did n't give him a second glance .
21 We had also managed to scrounge plenty of drink and , as we had the whole theatre to ourselves , we played endless games of paper chase and treasure hunt in and out of the stalls and the boxes and the circle .
22 Women drifted in and out of the house and nearby kitchens carrying pasta and salads , clearing plates and replenishing baskets of bread .
23 Professor Dyos calculated that of the 75,000 people by which Camberwell grew during the 1870s , about 52,000 represented the balance of migration into and out of the district and 23,000 were the result of natural increase .
24 Nathan had not been prepared for the bus trip into and out of the town and the long walk through the snow to a campsite either .
25 Above them , the sky was full of the soft rush of beating wings , clouds of pigeons dipping and diving in and out of the domes and through the minarets .
26 They hurt , sometimes excruciatingly , but on the deepest level of all , it is somehow ‘ all right ’ ; and out of the praise and gratitude and joy that spring from it when we can grasp it , I think that we may give ourselves permission for the more mundane , but wonderfully healing emotion of happiness .
27 By raising or lowering these gates , one could control the flow of water both into and out of the pond and thence into the sluice , at the other end of which was the pipe which fed the turbine in its house below .
28 The one real problem is the voice-over give to Liotta 's wife , which drifts in and out of the action and rather muddies Scorsese 's operatic clarity .
29 The girls were now too close to their exam , too anxious to do more than lift their faces to him , but out of the tiredness and filth of lime he could be seen looking often at their heads bent over the lamplit pages in what looked close to melancholy and sunken reflection .
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