Example sentences of "[conj] when [indef pn] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me that when one looks at the brief findings and reasons of the justices given at the conclusion of the hearing , or even if one were to look at the more elaborate reasons which they have compiled subsequently for the purpose of his appeal , then their decision was plainly wrong .
2 What my , my honourable friend raises a very interesting point because er when I we studied er the law relating to partnerships one of the basic er er principals was the personal relationship between partners and I 'm bound to say that when one looks at the headed notepaper of these big multi national accountancy firms sometimes the names of which cover most of the letter and there 's very little room in fact left er for the message .
3 Such an assumption is strong enough that when one comes across a response that is apparently irrelevant ( as ( ii ) overtly appears to be ) , an inference is triggered that would preserve the assumption of relevance .
4 It is right that when one pays for a pint of beer , one should get a pint of beer .
5 And when one looks at the individuals within the Royal Family , they are so magnificently unaccountably and unpardonably boring .
6 And when someone said of a close relative , ‘ He 's a doorkeeper ’ , he was careful to make plain that his father or uncle did not need to work , but liked to get out of the house to chat with other old men and to draw a salary for it , rather than a pension .
7 If anybody sneezes all hell breaks loose , she 's petrified of traffic and when someone comes into the house she sits on the bed and shakes .
8 Of course , America has always been highly influential , but when one thinks of the Rolling Stones and Beatles erm and what have you in the sixties and seventies , and how much it has influenced Continental light music , not light music but popular culture , it is incredible .
9 It was thought that Green took his large prepared copper plates out into the landscape and worked on them in front of the actual view , but when one looks at a print of a recognisable location the image is not reversed as would have been the case if a direct drawing onto the plate had been made from nature .
10 These results ( Bard et al 1987 ) appear to be very good , but when one looks at the ranking of the output utterances from which the recognition rates were computed , 30 out of the 79 best-matching utterances were not output first , although they ranked equal first in score .
11 It looks very substantial on the surface , but when one looks below the surface , one finds nothing of any substance .
12 She stared into its surface , which exercised a deep downward draw , as when one peered into a well and felt one 's thoughts involuntarily plummet .
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