Example sentences of "[conj] when [pron] [vb past] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My aim was to secure a good head of each species and , in consequence , except when I shot for meat , I shot selectively and seldom .
2 I shall say only that when we returned for worship next day the whole building was pristine .
3 He claimed that customers were appalled by the players ' language and that when he asked for order they threatened to punch out his lights .
4 And when they surfaced for air , she poured champagne and slipped a Mickey Finn into Kattina 's glass .
5 Mrs Stevens eventually gave him 5/ and when he asked for clothing suggested that he look in a nearby workman 's shed .
6 Sally-Anne was by now in full flow , and when she paused for breath Dr Neil said , as drily as he could , ‘ I will only say to you what I told you on the day when you arrived here : it is useless to take the world 's burdens on your shoulders .
7 But one thing Rachel was certain of was that the revival of those memories had only intensified her dislike of her sister 's ex-fiancé , and when she arrived for work the following Monday morning and he was the first person she saw she found her resolve to have as little to do with him as possible had only been strengthened .
8 I enjoyed thoroughly my half-hour with Sousa for he was the most genial of hosts , but when I asked for confirmation of the Samuel Ostrander story he only smiled broadly , shaking his head .
9 But when he paused for breath , her face was still implacable .
10 Apart from her anxiety over Jennifer 's meeting David again , Rachel had been looking forward to Family Day , but when she arrived for work the next morning the preparations were the furthest thing from her mind .
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