Example sentences of "[conj] what i [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I felt that what I was really talking about was my confusion over what I want , what I like and what I do n't like .
2 And I always spend the greater part of the first session explaining just what is going to happen and how he is going to feel ; as a result I hope that , by the time we begin the hypnosis itself , the patient will have had all his questions answered and his fears allayed , and will have begun to feel confidence in me and what I am about to do .
3 Although he may not agree with what I have said , and what I am about to say , he should at least extend to all of us the courtesy of sitting quietly in his seat , especially if he joins us at such a late time .
4 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
5 My idea of a nature reserve and what I was actually looking at were not the same thing at all .
6 I was getting some drawing prep once and what I was actually told to draw was a towel hanging over a chair .
7 Oh what 's that one Bare Naked Ladies , I 'd better not play that just at the moment oh what 's this one oh Billy Joel so so I 'd better take that out you I 'm always tempted to forget what I 've actually played and what I 'm not going to play .
8 I pranced about and lay on the ground and turned the lens through 45 degrees and stepped in pore-scouringly close , but what I was really doing , what I was after , was a good shot of Stuart 's double chin .
9 Erm , but what I 'm really thinking , is somebody looking actually into the sickness and is this a question of long-term sickness or are we dealing with outbreaks of flu .
10 But if it 's not required by law , then I can not issue , and if people ask for advice we are obliged under Fire Services , the Fire Services Act to give that advice , but what I 'm really saying is that with the , the pressure of work on the Fire Safety Department , it 's likely that if it 's a fairly low risk to life , we 'll never get round to it , and that 's the honest truth .
11 Because what I 'm about to say would then be very much out of place and I could lose my practice . ’
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