Example sentences of "[conj] what they be [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Some sportsmen connect you viscerally with them when they perform , often those who , like Christie , are not infallible , are not always perfectly behaved , but who give you both a run for your money and a sense that what they 're doing is dramatic and important .
2 The Royal Family will not profit from the business , though one report said that the campaign by Anglo-American firm the Eclectic American Catalogue Company appears designed to give customers the impression that what they are buying is backed by the Queen .
3 We have to persuade the pupils that what they are doing is worthwhile — even when we doubt it ourselves .
4 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
5 No-one should ever think that what they were doing was too small .
6 The defendants claimed that what they were doing was in furtherance of their dispute with the provincial newspapers .
7 For these ‘ immigrants ’ to start demanding having a say in the way their pupils are taught and what they are taught is viewed with great disdain …
8 And what they 're including are unit acs and things like that .
9 ‘ I respect the fact that The Jam can touch people and what they 're doing is an attempt to be ‘ real ’ — no myth or far-fetched fantasy — and it 's for real people , not people who follow trends .
10 or whether some kind of statement about who 's there and what they 're doing is enough .
11 Turn right into er what is a very busy er road in any event at that time but that the dangers is that many drivers are becoming impatient with waiting their turn in the queue and what they 're doing is driving down on the wrong side of the road in order to utilise a little back road that 's a service road which runs alongside road and leads into Nightingale avenue .
12 And if what they were hearing was really true , then this was indeed more important than most of those East Coast press conferences .
13 But Suzy said there were all kinds of awards young people could get , particularly if what they were doing was connected with conservation — I was really surprised .
14 They were both behaving as if what they were saying was what was in their thoughts .
15 Yeah but what they 're saying is it 's got ta be in the night before so that when they come in that next morning
16 Yeah I mean , they 're upgrading all of the machines at work but what they 're doing is instead of throwing them out , those who do n't use P Cs that often are being given the slower machines and those that as part of their job function , they need something much faster have been given the the newer machines .
17 Erm , the other thing I 'd like to draw your attention to is para six point one , just a little tabulation there , because what they 're saying is that on the number of cuts per specification , that 's what exists now , er three hundred and twenty eight thousand , that 's about the same as this year , er if you go to the hundred millimetre cut , which is what we 're suggesting we do on a trial basis , the cost to the County Council will amount to another hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year .
18 So the result will be , that the young children will cry an awful lot over about very small things , because what they 're doing is they 're amplifying the signal to a maximum level .
19 Alyssia blew some of the flyaway blonde strands away from her face and followed them to a small table at the back of the café , hoping that she would not have to endure half an hour of French conversation while she sat on the sidelines , wondering whether what they were discussing was really as animated and interesting as it appeared .
20 Caught up in the performance , few people seemed to wonder whether what they were hearing was an accurate account of the affair .
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