Example sentences of "[conj] who [be] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is because many children want to talk about the subject but can not find an adult in whom to confide or who is willing to talk about it .
2 They are going to have to compete for jobs , even in the UK , with their contemporaries who have trained elsewhere in Europe and who are competent to work in English .
3 ‘ … a more meaningful and relevant physical geography may emerge as the product of a new generation of physical geographers who are willing and able to face up to the contemporary needs of the whole subject , and who are prepared to concentrate on the areas of physical reality which are especially relevant to the man-oriented geography It is in the extinction of the traditional division between physical and human geography that new types of collaborative synthesis can arise . ’
4 Dummies can come to life in books , as it seems they can do for their masters on the stage : and this miracle depends , not only on the author , but also on the people he knows , who may indeed be thought to participate in what he is , and who are likely to participate in his ventriloquism .
5 The plan meets the garrulous approval of the exiled monarch Wladislas , who calls himself ‘ a middle-class professional man ’ and who is relieved to escape from the rivalry of priests and nobles and the expense of entertaining courtiers of extravagant tastes who ‘ love dressing up in uniforms , putting on swords and attending state balls ’ and whose appetites are such that ‘ a bullock roasted whole and a couple of pigs go no distance at a supper table in Lystria ’ .
6 An incompetent head is one who fails to master the task of reconciling a management plan with a financial plan , who fails to communicate and to ensure enough understanding for the financial plan with his or her teacher colleagues and who is unable to engage with governors at a level where there is both trust and understanding .
7 In the other loyalist groups there were a number of competing leadership figures who offered differing responses to events and who were obliged to engage in more extensive consultation with their supporters before pronouncing .
8 It was clear to the classical writers that there were tens of thousands of workers who were unemployed and who were prepared to work at the going ( real or money ) wage rate .
9 Wolfgang spent a great deal of time in the company of J C Bach , with whom he struck up a friendship , and who was delighted to engage in amicable improvisation contests on the keyboard .
10 Most of these services were designed primarily to help the physically disabled , especially those who had been in work but who were unable to continue as a result of a crippling accident or disease .
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