Example sentences of "[conj] her [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Outside the doorway , she paused , took a deep breath , and made the sort of entrance she 'd sworn she 'd never make again , her stride long and sensual , her head back so that her hair moved against her bare shoulders , her mouth curved into a soft , sexy smile .
2 And Meg told the watching millions that her mum hammered on his door and woke him from a nap during a break in filming .
3 This time it caught Millie across the wrist , and when she reacted by rising from her seat in an effort to leave the room , she found herself thrust back with such force that her head bobbed on her shoulders .
4 His smile held such magnetism that her breath caught in her throat and her heart began to race .
5 She was dry by day and night but insisted that her mother put on her nappy for her to pass a motion .
6 Her cheeks were burning and her heart hammered against her ribs as though trying to escape .
7 There were ladders in both her stockings today and her hair spilled from its bun at all sides .
8 Always , maid or matron , she was the supplicant and her standing varied with her usefulness .
9 As Carolyn started to read a look of absorption came over the child 's face , and her thumb slotted into her mouth .
10 She had felt her spirit suppressed by school routine and her character cramped by her minor position in the family .
11 Damian turned his dark head to look down at her , and her gaze lifted to his mouth .
12 A second later , the rocks burst into fragments , but Ace was coming downhill now , sliding and rolling with an avalanche of stones and scree , her pony tail flying behind her and her blaster held above her head .
13 Fuzzy highlights delineated her features and her mouth lagged behind her words .
14 She lay back , her eyes closed , and her pulse strengthened under his fingers .
15 Claudia looked in the long mirror for the last time , and her breath caught in her throat ; that beautiful bride could n't be her .
16 She smiled faintly and her breath caught in her throat at his answering expression .
17 But even as she held the knob in her hand and was about to turn it , she hesitated and her arm dropped to her side .
18 Her head spun dizzily with sheer joy and her face lit with her golden smile .
19 He was kissing her with small caresses of his mouth , teasing her cheeks and nose , tempting her brows and the corners of her mouth , so that her breath grew shallow and her body leaned against his solid frame for support .
20 As her nipple hardened into his palm , sending spears of desire to the very heart of her , his eyes locked with hers .
21 The Potters edged their way in , nerved to meet Marcus , and saw Daniel 's Mum , lapped deep in flesh and garments in the armchair , flesh overlapping flesh as her chin folded over her folded neck .
22 She put her hands on the bedspread , looked into his eyes , an anxious searching as her gaze shifted about his face , first focusing on his right eye , then his left , then slipping to his mouth .
23 Her detachment from her own party as well as her nation added to her strength and sense of invincibility .
24 As her breath caught in her throat , a strong hand fastened round her wrist , her unfriendly host commandeering both her body and attention .
25 In 1990 , a pretty blonde child called Kathy listened as her mother screamed at her husband who had killed a small boy in one such accident .
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