Example sentences of "[conj] there must be an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He understood that there must be an overall rhythm as well as the phrase rhythms of particular leitmotifs and dances if dancers were to understand and feel properly Fokine 's choreographic design .
2 Experience , therefore , obliges me to conclude that there must be an intermediate link ; which must either be the same in others as in myself , or a different one ; … by supposing the link to be of the same nature …
3 Some judges are of the opinion that there must be an express or implied agreement between the parties before the defence can operate .
4 Hence the new postulate in psychoanalytic theory : that there must be an underlying biological instinct which expressed itself in mental life as a compulsion to repeat unpleasant experiences .
5 Packages which checked your spelling , for example , in something you 've put on and very politely suggested that you may or may not have got a word quite correctly spelt that you had intended perhaps spelt one way , it came out as another way , and there must be an awful lot of work going on in this area .
6 These decision-making systems have a considerable number of assumptions built into them and there must be an agreed value system .
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