Example sentences of "[conj] there must be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that always puzzles me about archives is it seems to me that there must be a limited number of archives , and there are an awful number of historians .
2 I accept Mr. Lester 's submission that there must be a causal link between the benefit provided for the taxpayers and the cost of the benefit referred to in section 63(1) .
3 What are called ‘ proofs for the existence of God ’ are not attempts to show that there must be a divine kind of thing ( we have no concept of a divine kind of thing ) , they just seek to show that if and when all other questions were answered we would still be left with this mystery : and this is what we shall call ‘ God ’ .
4 For instance , it is claimed that the world shows evidence of design or purpose : therefore , it is concluded that there must be a divine designer .
5 Clifford always insisted that there must be a real ‘ conversion ’ for each individual although he also thought that the belief in individualism had been pushed too far both in the Church and in society .
6 Whereas people once felt that there must be a certain desperation in answering magazine ‘ lonely heart ’ advertisements or in going along to a dating bureau , nowadays these channels are seen as a practical way of finding a new friend or suitable lover .
7 Nor is it invariably the case that there must be a legal right .
8 I just keep thinking that there must be a logical reason why Fernando let me go so easily — ’
9 It says : ‘ I am sure that there must be a right-wing think-tank somewhere , trying to work out the possibility of privatising air so that only those who can afford to pay can breathe . ’
10 ‘ owing to the presence of which ’ This point means that there must be a direct connection between the motor vehicle and the occurrence of the accident : Quelch v Phipps [ 1955 ] 2 A11 ER 302 .
11 Einstein perceived that there must be a direct link between the distribution of mass/energy and the curvature of space–time and that this link must be expressible in tensor form .
12 It is clear , however , that there must be a sufficient inventive step and merely taking two older inventions and sticking them together will not necessarily be regarded as an inventive step .
13 The Bar Council believes that there must be a fast track .
14 Even here , the test of imminence discussed in Moss v. McLachlan suggest that there must be a clear and present danger that the conduct in which he is engaging will give rise to a breach of the peace , and it is demonstrable that the constable has no reasonable alternative course of action open to him other than to ask the speaker to desist , as by , for example , calling for assistance .
15 She could still see , dimly , which meant that there must be a light source somewhere near .
16 For some months the engineers tried to obstruct and by-pass Smith , until Hacking told them firmly that there must be a considerable change of heart by all concerned to work together .
17 Jesse Jackson was the first and only candidate for the Democratic nomination to assert that there must be a single standard for the measurement and protection of human rights throughout the world ; no country — not France nor Israel not Nigeria not South Korea nor Iran nor South Africa — should be exempted from the requirements of that single standard .
18 It accounts for the determination of the Jerusalem leaders that there must be no independent Samaritan church growing up without the age-old split from Judaism being healed ( Acts 8 ) .
19 He understood that there must be an overall rhythm as well as the phrase rhythms of particular leitmotifs and dances if dancers were to understand and feel properly Fokine 's choreographic design .
20 Experience , therefore , obliges me to conclude that there must be an intermediate link ; which must either be the same in others as in myself , or a different one ; … by supposing the link to be of the same nature …
21 Some judges are of the opinion that there must be an express or implied agreement between the parties before the defence can operate .
22 Hence the new postulate in psychoanalytic theory : that there must be an underlying biological instinct which expressed itself in mental life as a compulsion to repeat unpleasant experiences .
23 ‘ The vet might put his hand into the dog 's mouth or pull its ears and there must be no aggressive or nervous response from the animal , ’ Joan explained .
24 And there must be a serious question mark against the massive powers acquired by the holder of the office of Secretary of State , which may be thought less than healthy in a democracy normally dependent on a system of checks and balances .
25 If the roof slope is less than 15° ( including flat roofs ) , the eaves vents must be the equivalent of a 25mm wide continuous opening , and there must be a clear airway at least 50mm wide between the roof surface and the insulation .
26 Packages which checked your spelling , for example , in something you 've put on and very politely suggested that you may or may not have got a word quite correctly spelt that you had intended perhaps spelt one way , it came out as another way , and there must be an awful lot of work going on in this area .
27 These decision-making systems have a considerable number of assumptions built into them and there must be an agreed value system .
28 Secondly , it is not enough that his contemplation is that there is a remote possibility but there must be a real possibility of a breach of the peace . ’
29 I mean there are a number of different forms that can take erm they could be a co-operative , registered with a friendly industrial society , or have a board of directors , but there must be a legal personality to the organization in order for them to receive public funds .
30 I know Roy 's limitations , as does he , but there must be a physical presence to offset the rest of the midfield ’ was the coach 's verdict on a man who is one short of 50 caps .
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