Example sentences of "[conj] would [vb infin] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Improved morale would also make possible organizational advances outside parliament , all linked to the issue of Ulster , and with the sights fixed firmly on the next election , an election that would make or break the Union , the Empire and Law 's leadership of the party .
2 On 20 February 1979 a Cabinet meeting decided on an overhaul of the statutes of the CNES , in order to increase its role and powers , to organize a body that would produce and commercialize the Ariane launcher rockets , and to undertake a new telecommunications satellite programme ( Telecom-I ) .
3 What I needed was a solid holder that would n't let pencils bend or break , and a retainer that would expand and contract a million times .
4 Announcing the government 's decision , Indian Ministers insisted that it was solely related to their wish to proceed without outside interference , and claimed that the project would go ahead , and would meet or exceed the standards set by the Bank .
5 Such knowledge was not only desirable in itself , but would liberate and transform the life of the individual , and through him [ sic ] , the life of the society , since such individuals would or should be the appropriate leaders or rulers , a notion which would become democratized in modern ideologies of liberal education to include ‘ leaders ’ in any walk of life ( especially the working-class ) and indeed the ordinary , democratic citizen .
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