Example sentences of "[conj] there [modal v] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If an Act of Parliament says that A ( who may be a minister or a commission or a local authority or an individual ) shall be the person to settle certain specified questions and that there shall be neither appeal to nor review by any other body or person ( including the courts ) , then A's decisions are unchallengeable so long as ( a ) it is A , not another , who decides , ( b ) A decides those specified questions and not others and ( c ) A does not act in bad faith or with similar impropriety .
2 That there would be little support for the self-appraisal in terms of any provision of time perhaps emphasized the low priority accorded to it .
3 The federation 's president , The Princess Royal , said yesterday that a new medication control programme would be based at a laboratory in Newmarket and that there would be substantially increased stewarding , possibly assisted by the installation of video cameras .
4 This was McConnochie 's third success in his career and he gave a hint that there may be more to come in the Hennessy at Newbury on Saturday , saying : ‘ Gala 's Image should run well as long as the ground is not sticky . ’
5 The 100 Group appreciates this and would be grateful for even a small gesture in the Budget , ‘ maybe with some indication that there could be more to come later' , Mr Lawrence suggests .
6 The area suggested that there could be earlier finds but I was not too disappointed with what I was finding .
7 Now Britain is heading for a pre-Christmas Sunday shopping bonanza believe it or not now you heard it first here on this programme that I I predict that there will be completely deregulated Sunday trading before much long What ?
8 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
9 Eliot stressed that there should be no maintaining of different attitudes for cathedral drama and for West End theatre .
10 Children 's bedrooms are usually small areas with light-coloured walls , so there should be enough reflected light to lighten up the main scene of action , but if you do bring in any additional low-level lighting , take care to position it where it will not get in the way of the camera or shine into the lens .
11 The legal costs will be paid from your Estate so there will be less to divide between relatives and other beneficiaries .
12 And there 'll be little change this afternoon , although in Argyll and the Western Isles , it will become a little brighter , if not exactly sunny ,
13 At the Organising Committee , the retiring CEB chairman had confidently suggested that the old CEB organisation could continue to handle matters in this field and there would be little need for change : ‘ The CEB in conjunction with a strong committee on which the Ministry of Supply were represented were working hard on the generating plant extensions and it would not be necessary for the Organising Committee to worry over-much about the details of this programme in the meantime . ’
14 The new houses , the markets would crumble in the wind and the sun and there would be little left to remind man of this strange blip of civilisation in the path of the patiently creeping sand .
15 They stand at 25p and there should be more to come .
16 And there 'd be more to endure .
17 ‘ On a Community level the priority is on investment programmes , and there will be more finance available for this . ’
18 Most analysts said IBM Corp is not done with its restructuring , and there will be more to come — ‘ I think basically the mainframe business and the problems they are facing are very fundamental and will likely worsen in 1993 , ’ Smith said — ‘ the mainframe business is the main source of cash flow and it will be very difficult to offset that by improvements elsewhere . ’
19 But these changes aside , the rest of Blenheim is still very much as Capabilty Brown designed it — and there can be little doubting that he 'd be delighted to see his work still very much alive and admired today .
20 But there would be no going anywhere .
21 But there can be no doubting his commitment and enthusiasm .
22 He might not have thought he deserved the Man of the Match award on Wednesday night , but there can be no denying that the return of Gascoigne has transformed Taylor 's England from a farce to a force .
23 It may or may not resolve America 's awesome economic problems , but there can be little denying its radicalism .
24 But there could be no disguising the change in American attitudes .
25 But there could be no begrudging the 1990 innings at Hove that put him in the Somerset record-books .
26 I have questioned the degree of control which university institutes assumed , but there must be no minimising the contribution they have made to a more rational and systematic form of curriculum development .
27 But there must be more to say about a fire which caused a national disaster , destroyed part of the British heritage and is going to cost the taxpayer a fortune .
28 The argument that Labour should not organise in Northern Ireland because there would be little support for it is particularly unprincipled .
29 I think there are two points there , firstly I think that the York greenbelt should not be drawn overly tightly , it should allow for some provision for peripheral post two thousand and six , because there will be inevitably demands arising in that period , which can not be met in the new settlement , and I disagree with the County Council on their approach on that matter .
30 Though there can be no doubting the importance of maternal malnutrition as a cause of reduced fetal growth in poor countries and even perhaps in Preston , Sheffield , and Hertford in the early part of this century , where Barker and colleagues ' cohorts were born and brought up , there is no strong evidence of undernutrition now being responsible for restraining intrauterine growth in developed countries .
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