Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb mod] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where we used to see an organ with its automated conductor and maybe a waterfall thrown in for good measure , we now have canned music and disc jockeys aping their favourites from radio or TV and hoping against hope that one day they too may be discovered .
2 We 've got an emergency exit where we used to have a roof .
3 Er as far as out-sourcing is concerned , when we learned that there could be two thousand jobs lost or out-sourced from British Aerospace , it was my opinion in line with those of our representatives that we ought to convene a meeting immediately of all shop stewards and representatives who would be covered er through those discussions and arrange and organize a strategy to oppose it .
4 Er er it seems that the Council have known about this for six months er and it 's only within the last week or two er that information has got out so it seems to me that that 's something that er that we ought to take an interest in .
5 It was insisted , that we ought to show the cause in the return , to bring it within the statutes .
6 The notion of justice which I find most convincing is that which tells us that we ought to seek a society in which each person is accepted as of equal moral worth and has equal opportunity to enjoy an equal share of the total sum of society 's goods .
7 You would have thought that the natural reaction of the teacher would have been that we ought to contact the father — better him than the nutty grandmother .
8 I said that we ought to er somebody asked me er from one of the national papers which ought to be put in place there and I did suggest that we ought to have a statue like just been mentioned to somebody from Beeston they 've got a nice man on a bench there .
9 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
10 communication yes , so that we used to have the difficulty , and we used to rely on the odd person , railway people , drivers and their guards , they used to be knocked up during the night for early duty , by call boys , we used to make use of them if we wanted a message sent anywhere .
11 And on the top of that we used to keep a sink-bath .
12 This is a playground game that we used to play a lot when I was young .
13 We shall continue to do all that we can to resolve the problem .
14 We should be doing all that we can to promote the revival of singing , and we should encourage rather than stifle the musical creativity of those who write and perform .
15 It 's coming out of our taxes , that 's where , and we ought to put a stop to it .
16 the organ there was a you know where you put your pump belt , there was a long stout piece of wood and you had to keep pumping that up and down to put the wind into the organ , and there was a mirror above the organ and Mr the org the organist , who was a butcher in Street , he could look into that mirror and see whether you was pumping fast enough and he could signal to you and he used to warn you to er keep your eye on the mirror and if he , if he wanted more wind he used to be up up up oh or , but it was just a big long of wood and we used to pull it up and down , I was fairly tall for me height a age , but er we used to have to stand on a box to get it going first , but it , it was just like bellows for your fire you know , wind for that , and we used to pump the wind into the organ also the service .
17 The family has been in this part of Scotland for about two hundred years or more , from what I can gather , and we used to own a lot of the land around here .
18 But , erm all that time I was running the young wives ' and we used to hold a stall in the garden , at the garden party at the church , and w when you took your takings in , you know th the treasurer would say you know , who are you , you know and I used to say young wives ' and then one day I said well , you know we 're no longer young wives , you know we were getting old and I decided there and then I 'd had enough of young wives ' , you know and er , er because I , I said , I , I was secretary and I 'll close it down it , it erm the young wives ' closed down and er er it , it had actually closed down and this lady was marvellous this secretary of the Guild , who would kno known mother and she was a councillor , she come dashing down , you know you , you , th the young wives ' has closed and you know you 've got excuse .
19 We had to pay er there was two lots of erm tyres , there was one set of buses were fitted with and another one with or I forget which it was there but I know those three were involved at some time or other and we used to record the mileage , send it off to them , showing what each bus ran during the month .
20 And under the bed there was a basket , and we used to see the chap come down and wash these , what was in the mass it was kippers , and conga eel .
21 The electric bill used to be so high because we had the electric fire on all the time and we used to leave the oven on as well .
22 And we used to get a lot of Californian fruit .
23 All the different schools had er cos then we had , used to compete against er all sports and we used to get an afternoon football we used to march from up to the and erm play football but we did n't go up there until at half-time at erm play-time so they went to school at two o'clock and at half past three then that 'd be our break , then we 'd go up to erm football till five o'clock .
24 There used to be rubbish dumps and mud and all that and we used to have a laugh there , you know what I mean ?
25 Now policemen , we used to have to give these blessed people these tickets , and we used to have a book , and they just merely gave name , age , occupation , which was nearly always labourer , where , and they had to tell us where they came from and where they intended going to , and more often that was from Stowmarket to , or the other way round .
26 Aye , we went on the train to Dunfermline and we used to have a lot of trips .
27 Well as you know I was a shepherd and I used to look after the Chichester Estate and we used to have a lot of erm lot of erm sheep in those days .
28 And we used to have a box lamp .
29 and we used to bring the calf up .
30 My mother took me there occasionally , and we used to pass the window every Sunday after mass .
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