Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb base] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her girlfriend , Josephine , does not take to the water , so Kelly and I go in alone with Simone , treading in unison till the chill is mellowed , and swim to the deep end where we cling to the buoy and discuss other people .
2 Here we present a simple hierarchical model which also relaxes the assumptions of constant returns to scale and perfect competition , although we revert to the assumption of a single factor , labour , which is taken as the numeraire .
3 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
4 And it is here that we come to the nub , theoretically , of the problem with Adorno 's whole approach to listening Dick Bradley ( n.d. ) points out that within a Marxist framework production and consumption can not properly be given the near-identity which Adorno attributes to them .
5 I think it 's this weekend that we go to the fire station .
6 Can I have your agreement that we write to the director of housing and ask for his position on it ?
7 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
8 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
9 It is against this background that we turn to the mathematics curriculum and ask what mathematics is relevant to real life .
10 He suggested that we adjourn to the bar .
11 Nevertheless , the fact remains that some of the points that we put to the Minister have not , in Leicestershire 's view , been adequately met .
12 The dramaturgical metaphor would suggest that we look to the audience for the arbitration of the action , and it is perhaps no surprise that the peer group emerged as crucial in this respect .
13 John Dower , the father of the National Parks , got it right when he said that we look to the farming communities for the continuance not only of the landscape but of the drama itself , rural life and work .
14 And may I suggest that we add to the list , on the computer type it into this particular programme be , it 's called arts list
15 Mr Loyden had asked the Premier to ‘ acknowledge the fact that it is time to repay the debt that we owe to the Merchant Navy , which lost 30,000-plus seamen during the war years ’ .
16 erm the format for these is one of four lectures , in which we revise in the first lecture ideas that are round about sixth form level and then in two lectures following that we take the teacher through , very quickly , the kind of coverage that we give to the topic in the university .
17 That reflects two things — first , the shortened nature of this parliamentary Session , giving rise to the need to proceed with our Bills in an orderly way through Committee if we are to dispose of as many of them as possible ; and , secondly , the importance that we attach to this Bill , which is symbolic of the high priority that we give to the reform of further education , as well as higher education .
18 Life is essentially energy — so we return to the idea that ALL is ONE .
19 ‘ Ah , so we come to the purpose of the exercise ?
20 So do we phone them once we get to the hotel or do they contact us ?
21 Once we get to the sun and people start to relax and unwind .
22 Once we get to the town , there 's bound to be air-conditioning in the hotel .
23 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
24 I , I shall be seeing the you know in a few weeks time the daughter she 's a , she 's er Rene that was erm Eddie , who were very big pals of mine and we go to the anniversary lunch together so we 're all over eighty but erm you could n't the bread shop , was another confectioner 's shop , and then turning round the corner you come to another shop , up two steps , which was and that was another type of confectionery and shop , then you get as far as the corn and seed people er they used to have a shop in Street as well , and then before the First World War there was the butchers and they sold foreign meat .
25 'Cause sometimes I meet 'em afterwards and we go to the coffee-bar . ’
26 But for the thousandth time I do n't do anything and we get to the bathroom safely .
27 The meeting is over within an hour and we return to the camp .
28 The panel has however endeavoured to ref to fulfil its remit by analyzing the whole confirmation service in the book of common order and we come to the conclusion that really the admission of children to the sacrament of the lord 's supper would necessitate only minor adjustments to the service as we now know it .
29 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
30 I confirm that this price is acceptable to us and we agree to the introduction of the extension to contracted journeys as soon as possible .
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