Example sentences of "[conj] they have [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Crucially , Realism provided a justification for the kind of foreign policy which the leaders of the USA felt that they had to undertake in the period immediately after the Second World War .
2 ‘ I 'm told the front rows in the Moore tragedy were so close that they had to bend at the waist to get in ’ , said Akpata .
3 During the study days , the patients were fully ambulatory and could follow their preferred daily routine except that they had to return to the laboratory for their meals .
4 Arthur found the reasons for this unfathomable , but took it that they had to do with a comparison to his own looks .
5 The situation is very much easier today than even ten years ago when male/female roles were far more stereotyped and many couples felt that they had to conform to a set pattern for the sake of convention .
6 They consulted their street map but , before they could work out their route , the little girl told them that they had to go down the hill , over the bridge , past another church , turn to the right and they would come to the church for which they were looking .
7 In truth , there were those in the American camp who admitted that they had to bow to the Europeans where the Solheim Cup uniforms were concerned .
8 He instructed royal aides , like Sir Robert Fellowes , the Queen 's closest adviser , that they had to rally around the Queen .
9 Prior to 1952 , section 14 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1848 provided that justices ‘ shall convict … or make an order … , ’ i.e. that they had to come to a decision .
10 By retaining the link between finance and accounting , local politicians are forced to bear some of the cost of their programmes in the annual taxes that they have to levy in the short run .
11 And we 've written into our arrangements with any contractor , in the tender documentation that they have to adhere to the er requirements of the master plan .
12 If one subtracts the vote of this vulnerable group from the remaining 76 per cent , this means that they have to live with the knowledge that more than one in four of voting co-residents have voted for a party that is rabidly hostile to them .
13 Teachers need to take children 's ideas seriously , and avoid making them feel that they have to search for the right answer , hidden somewhere in the teacher 's head .
14 The extremists ' behaviour helps Mr Yeltsin because it convinces voters who do not much like him that they have to vote for the president in order to keep out people like Messrs Baburin and Isakov .
15 Their clothes were locked away so they had to remain in the dormitory .
16 Between January and May 1922 no money from any central agency was given to them , so they had to depend on the surplus of local revenues and gifts after the guberniia relief committee had made its own collections .
17 So there 'd be delay in probate unless the children have got the money , so they have to borrow against the property or they have to raise money to pay the bill .
18 Once they had to stop at a red light , and they heard Donald whimpering .
19 They and the Carters were to have shared it that year with the computer analyst and his wife , but one of this couple 's children was involved in an accident and they had to cancel at the last minute .
20 And they had to go in a do some fighting .
21 But there was plenty of time , and they had to wait at the other end of the tunnel .
22 Manchester United at home to Bolton were held to a goal-less first half first forty five minutes , and they had to wait until the seventy seventh minute before taking the lead through Hughes , and United go through with a one nil win .
23 They could n't be very quick because there was no electric light upstairs and they had to manage with the candle Carrie was holding .
24 The point that I want to reiterate here , before extending this concept of structure theoretically , is that in the drama process the surface meaning of the event , the meaning which in fact would play a large part if we were to tell it as a story — ‘ And the townsfolk listened to the Government representative and they had to come to a decision ’ — may not provide the required game structure .
25 Due to a power blackout , their hotel was in total darkness when they arrived , and they had to trudge up the stairs with their luggage to the 10th floor .
26 The others took it up , humming or singing , and walked in time to it until old Donald got breathless and they had to saunter for a while .
27 Where children do come into care , close contact is maintained with the parents and they have to pay towards the cost of their children 's upkeep according to their means .
28 The paper went on the say that such a move would at least give the people who came into the city centre greater reassurance , even if they had to pay for the privilege .
29 I think it is disturbing for women to have experiences if they have to remain on a pedestal after marriage . ’
30 have it within their power to resolve the matter very speedily by going to the commission and providing full notification , even if they have to negotiate with the commission over provisions which the submission was moved , then they can get that exemption back dated and , and
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