Example sentences of "[conj] they have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She and Maggie worked at The Haven hotel where they 'd been employed since leaving school three years previously .
2 ‘ Not on a degree course but at the Cultural Centre for Foreigners where they 've been going since last September . ’
3 The police had been called to a youth club where they had been asked by one of the supervisors to assist in excluding trespassers before the evening 's festivities got under way .
4 It was not known yesterday if the three had returned to Scotland or to the Costa del Sol where they had been living before their arrest .
5 There were until about 20 years ago , mosaic pavements from Roman times displayed in their original positions where they had been discovered during field work , together with one unearthed some little distance away at a later excavation .
6 Bruce 's forces were defeated first in Methven wood by the English , and then beside Loch Tay by Comyn 's uncle , the Lord of Lorn The king 's sister and the Countess of Buchan who had crowned him were dragged out of sanctuary where they had been sent for safety , and exhibited in cages hanging from castle walls at Roxburgh and Berwick .
7 Uscfrea and Yffi died in infancy in Gaul among the Franks , where they had been sent for greater safety ( HE 11 , 20 ) .
8 He had cut off the girl 's head and put it next to her father 's on the garden path , where they had been found by a neighbour .
9 Four derelict PBYs were located at Orange County Airport in Southern California where they had been abandoned after a Navy surplus sale .
10 The curtains were wet where they had been sucked into the fringe of the deluge .
11 They cut , and the actress scrambled up and examined her knees ; a woman from Wardrobe ran up and gave her a change of mack , and bent to apply panstick to her hands where they had been dirtied by the wrecker's-yard floor ; she checked her hose and brushed her hair and the actress shook her head slowly from side to side so that it fluffed .
12 The sixteen paintings seem likely to remain with the Uffizi , where they have been stored for some time .
13 Their relationships with each other and with later hominoids is still uncertain , but as they represent different evolutionary trends I am going to distinguish them taxonomically at the level of tribe , where they have been distinguished at generic level before .
14 They also hamper the search for factual reality in sciences , where they have been tackled by a powerful culture of verification .
15 Piling on the confusion , Ramish Vassen , a Cape Town lawyer representing three of the prisoners , said he went yesterday to Pollsmoor prison , where they have been kept in recent years , to deliver a suit for one of his clients , Elias Motosaledi .
16 A GROUP of British students has recently returned from a trip to South America , where they have been researching into the flora and fauna of the Colombian Amazon basin .
17 Tree logs are to be found only in the shallow waters and in Urquhan Bay , Lochend and Dores , where they have been driven by the prevailing wind .
18 Olives are grown in many Mediterranean countries , where they have been cultivated for centuries and have been an important trading crop since ancient times .
19 In England sea urchins are especially easy to collect from the Cretaceous chalk , where they have been used as one of the fossils for dating the rocks .
20 Mr Hill : Yes , now , during the war most men between 19 and 38 got called up and they went into the army , navy , airforce and fire-brigade or they had been drafted into factories to make tanks , aeroplanes and munitions so some things , areas , like farming were very short of labour .
21 Some of them have not been found guilty , and albeit they have been charged with horrendous crimes they are still innocent people and it does n't matter even if they are not innocent people , the Government still has a responsibility to life and limb and really I ca n't see any case at all for not storming .
22 In 1595 , she even refused to allow the publication of the predestinarian Lambeth Articles , although they had been approved by her favoured archbishop , John Whitgift .
23 But although they had been settled for the moment the two great political problems of the next half-century had already been foreshadowed : first , the tensions within the Angevin family ; second , the feudal question of the relationship between lord and vassal , between Capetian and Angevin .
24 When Parliament subsequently required an oath of allegiance to be taken to William and Mary as sovereigns , Ken was among five of the seven bishops who , although they had been imprisoned by James , felt unable to forswear their oath of allegiance to him .
25 Although they have been developed for acrylic painters , I 'm sure they are ideal for oil painters too , as they can be cleaned in turpentine overnight , then used for acrylic painting the very next day .
26 There has been a judicial inquiry into what happened , but many of my constituents are being subjected , once again , to serious allegations , although they have been cleared in court .
27 The notion of relative autonomy and the idea that the state faces choices suggests two further lines of inquiry , both of which have been relatively neglected in the mainstream of Marxist debates on the state , although they have been explored in the traditions of political science and public administration .
28 Although they have been known for many years their evolutionary position is still hotly debated .
29 Although they have been modified since then , his techniques using finds still form the mainstay of most dating programmes .
30 During the past decade the poverty stricken countries of the South have been paying far more money to the rich North than they have been receiving in new money .
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