Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [pron] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Or they pretend they do n't care . ’
2 Or they think they do n't need it .
3 They , they know what they have to do to protect that stock , to protect their life 's interests and they , and they know they do n't need to be told really by any officer here who are not in that not , not in that game , what they have to do that 's what they 're asking us to do and they certainly asked us to do that on the erm , on the tour of county farms that we had only , only a few weeks ago .
4 They rise to the top for food , having associated my particular shape and footfall with food pellets , and they know I do n't pose them any threat .
5 Oh yes very much so and we 've been these er lots secretaries and presidents and all miners and that they 've been coming up you know and er you had a chat with them and they put us do n't let this happen , do n't let that happen , and make sure that erm you know people do n't suffer and er oh it 's been quite a vast experience for us yeah .
6 I mean people have er er budgie or er er er another sort of bird and they think it does n't need any looking after .
7 And they say they have n't given the producers their co-operation .
8 The Baughs checked the original offer letter carefully and they say it did not state clearly that once people have accepted , there was no way out and it certainly did not mention the excessive opt-out figure they were later quoted .
9 If they decide they do n't like what she does , they have plenty of time over tea to say so before the painting begins .
10 They 're lying if they say they do n't .
11 what the hell are you doing , you give them that and if they say they do n't wish to be on the tape you have to erase their voice .
12 Also , if I am not there , some people might have loose tongues if they think you do not understand . ’
13 ‘ Then , if they see you do n't try , they chuck it back in your face .
14 I then expect I will be tortured , and if they see I do n't die they will poison me .
15 The fifty thousand well I if they do they have n't been able to what what we intend to do .
16 Do n't put them down cos they go they do n't like
17 Cos they say they do n't get paid enough money for the N H S.
18 I think , I , I personally , I think everyone 's got to work to it until they find it does n't work .
19 They may want men in their lives , but they know they do n't necessarily need them .
20 They agree with Cohen 's argument that working-class boys are likely to form and join delinquent subcultures , but they feel he has not taken account of the different and specialised types of subculture that exist .
21 His mother and father say they know their son was a bit of a wheeler and dealer , and was not always on the right side of the law , but they say he did n't deserve to die in this way .
22 If you want to make the most out of your interviews with professional people , ensure that they will be prepared to take you seriously because they know you have not been a time-waster in the past .
23 Similarly , some organisations do not brief employees properly because they claim they do not have the time to do so .
24 All forty two of them are threatening to leave local authority control and be directly financed from Westminster because they say they have n't got the money to do their jobs .
25 All forty two of them are threatening to leave local authority control and be directly financed from Westminster because they say they have n't got the money to do their jobs .
26 Not surprising really since they know they did n't do these things .
27 They change the subject when they find I do n't have any , as if I 'm suffering from a disease . ’
28 The BBC finds you ‘ surplus to budget ’ when they find you have n't paid the licence fee .
29 It was no different from the situation that most couples face in the early days of their marriage , when they discover they do n't like each other 's friends .
30 It is a situation of great humiliation for women when they realise they do not possess their bodies except in relation to a man who might give them something — either children or some economic advantage .
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