Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The group did not have another discussion about wages for housework as such , although they did for some months follow Ruth 's prepared reading list — an introductory series of Marxist texts , and the issue of wages for housework emerged again through that , in a theoretical discussion .
2 I did tell him , however , that the older boys — and I was form-master of the modern sixth — were keenly interested in what was going on in modern literature , but that they seemed to some extent cushioned against modern life in their ignorance , which was almost total , of such currents of thought as Marxism .
3 Now that is quite different from saying that women always make bad judgements , that is to say , that they suffer from some deficiency of rationality .
4 Although precise definitions are hard to come by , it is clear that they looked to some kind of ideal worker , that is , someone who was trustworthy , interested , intelligent , literate and numerate , full of initiative , and capable of mental and physical agility .
5 It was there that they bumped into some friends of Alexander 's , a couple with two young children of their own , and spent an hour chatting with them round the café table .
6 A second example of the importance of giving opportunities to other people comes from the type of head who , in pursuing the argument that good management of a school should lead to good learning by the child , watches pupils for signs that they do in some way match hopes about independence of mind , wholeness and honesty .
7 The experience of working with gifted teachers and heads in their early career , the sense that they have in some cases been given the benefit of working closely with other wise and successful teachers — particularly inside a religious order — the fact that they in some cases went away from teaching and , having had time to reflect in quite unrelated work , then saw that teaching was an obligation which they should meet — these are among the backgrounds which heads are prepared to reveal .
8 A business relies on a driving personality taking it forward , and the confusion about getting somebody on board who is working with you in the business and who is putting money board , is that they feel to some extent , proprietorial to that business , and you can find that that will result in those individuals who have done that tearing apart the business because they are trying to go in different directions .
9 The fact that they arc to some extent predictable does enable management to identify the times when staffing needs will be increased .
10 Two thoughts immediately flow from this preliminary verse to those unfamiliar with these texts : ( 1 ) so they believe in some form of ghosts then do they ? and ( 2 ) but he did n't believe in God so what has happened to my husband ?
11 and they come to some agreement and the , the management tell what 's happening , how many orders they 've got .
12 Peggy moved her head in a gesture that brought her mother 's and Henry 's full attention on her , and they waited for some seconds before Peggy , moving up the hall towards the drawing-room , explained , ‘ It 's … it 's his particular part of the day ; he … he likes to see to her himself . ’
13 You would also need to study the lists to see if there is anything conditioning the sounds , i.e. if they are in complementary distribution and belonging to the same phoneme , or if they contrast in some way , thus constituting different phonemes .
14 If they ask for some cheese , you wo n't get it on the meat counter will you ?
15 The Renaissance had provided western Europe with a handsome collection of hitherto lost Greek texts , literary , philosophical and historical , to be studied by scholars , admired by the cultivated ( generally in translation ) , and imitated , in part , by contemporary writers ; but insofar as the Renaissance was actually a " rebirth " of anything past , it was predominantly a rebirth of Rome and the spirit of Rome , not of Greece ; and the remains of Greek antiquity were treated , and well into the eighteenth century continued to be treated , largely as if they belonged to some kind of extension of the now assimilated world of Rome .
16 But I would have thought that one lot of er papers would either have gone to the archives office or er been retained in the Advertiser if they amalgamated at some time .
17 If they originate from some person of eminence they have , of course , additional prestige ; but they are prized in their own right because many are beautiful in themselves and are representative of their time and place .
18 They sometimes have problems with the control of their dentures when eating certain types of food , and some have slight difficulties with swallowing as the muscles get weaker ( or if they have at some time suffered a small stroke ) , so they dislike being watched .
19 They talked of nothing major , but they returned to some things several times .
20 As well as cutting costs , Swiss banks must also revise their pricing policy : while they over-charge for some services , others , such as payment transfers , are still surprisingly cheap .
21 Once you are in the loft , it is better to use compression or push-fit fittings since they allow for some adjustment later and the fire risk of using a blowlamp is avoided .
22 Behind her , in the distant heat haze , two thirsty rhinos raised a wall of dust as they lumbered past some waterbuck to a watering hole .
23 They lose their nous ( and , as they say in some quarters , their ‘ bottle ’ ) .
24 As they lurch with some aplomb through The Rolling Stones ‘ I Got The Blues ’ , Brokaw 's guitar falters horribly and the huddled masses groan in supplication .
25 A ‘ landmine ’ destroyed one vehicle , a patrol was ambushed as they spoke to some locals , and a foreign parachute and map were discovered on a beach after a tip-off .
26 Offensive odours which emanate from domestic or industrial premises can cause serious annoyance to persons in the locality , and inevitably give rise to public concern , spreading as they do in some cases over a wide area .
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