Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Place in a cold frame or on a windowsill out of direct sunlight , where they will soon root at this time of year .
2 This means assessing their likes and dislikes by means of preference tests where they can simply choose between different options , or ‘ operant conditioning ’ tests where they have to perform some task such as pecking a button to get access to ( or to exit from ) a particular environment .
3 People posted abroad are also unhappy about losing touch with family and friends or they may even worry about what will happen to pets .
4 If they still wanted to expand their original business there are other ways of doing so : there might be scope for a small hotel at L'Auberge , for instance , or for outside catering around Chelmslow , or they might even capitalize on George 's knowledge of French wines by setting up an off-licence and specialist wine importation business .
5 Or they might just clamber over the wall at any point .
6 It was quite spontaneous , for the Germans instigated nothing although they would sometimes co-operate in an elementary way by allowing wood for goalposts or permitting the construction of a theatre .
7 From January 1995 all new satellite television services would have to broadcast using an improved satellite transmission standard known as D2-Mac ( an intermediate standard to HD-Mac — see p. 38506 ) , although they could simultaneously broadcast in one of the existing standards ( PAL or SECAM ) .
8 So the ultracold collisions are unlikely to provide a fundamental limit on the fountain experiments , at least in the near future , although they will certainly need to be accounted for in some way .
9 Hardship allowances are paid as compensation to those expatriates relocated to countries where they have to face greater discomforts or difficulties than they would normally experience at home : climate , unstable political environments , isolation , separation from children , poor sanitation , and so on .
10 Various modern human activities ensure , however , that many ecosystems are assaulted with more nutrient than they can properly deal with .
11 But I will say , and this is without criticism , they were doing a much better job instructing than they could possibly done on operations .
12 A spokesman for a large nationalised service industry wrote of headhunters being able to provide them with ‘ the feel of external experience ’ and an appreciation of the stature in the market place of their existing staff and the organisation itself , together with a more extensive network of contacts than they could possibly have at their disposal .
13 Jenking said he thought they were on the Dean and that they would soon beat over it into deeper water .
14 None of them doubted that they would eventually get to Greece .
15 A MediaStar source says : ‘ There was no battle over who should take charge of a merged media operation , simply a decision by clients that they would rather continue with the same team .
16 So much so that they would rather live in a UK which seems set to have permanent Tory government than an independent Scotland which would almost certainly be Socialist .
17 It was generally assumed that they would probably prove to be complementary to each other , but what the optimum mix would be was far from clear .
18 Pray that they would quickly settle into their new life in Nuneaton .
19 Unprotected in the desert , they would lose so much water by evaporation that they would quickly die of desiccation .
20 Only Forster and Silk followed , Lawton staying to assist Nell bring up the extra combat kit that they would now recover from the assault boat .
21 While not explicit , many implied that they would indeed fight to the death for their managing director .
22 It has more than fulfilled its founding fathers ' two objectives : to rebuild the economy of a shattered Europe , and to bury the hatchet between France and Germany and so bind together the nations of Europe that they would never go to war again .
23 It was often obvious from the start that they would never lead to anything and this made those who were more settled openly contemptuous .
24 The tears that came with this knowledge were now true tears of grieving for his father 's death , and the knowledge that they would never communicate with each other .
25 Although the British offered assurances that they would still work towards freer trade relations as circumstances permitted , the multilateralists in Washington had been compelled to settle for much less than they would have liked .
26 Informally put , in the case of an oligopolistic market this can be achieved by an agreement which specifies that the punishing firms choose outputs or prices which yield them higher profit than at the collusive allocation , so that they would actually gain in the punishment phase .
27 But when David Damiani , Fatima Zamzam and her children , Ghassan Kanafani and his family and around 140,000 other Palestinian refugees fled into Lebanon , the Beirut government took comfort — as did the Palestinians themselves — from the hope that they might soon return to their homes .
28 The danger was that they might even go beyond " their lawful power at the polls " , especially if stirred up by " designing persons " and promises of " social salvation " , and they might attempt to produce change through " revolutionary action " .
29 The qualifying condition , however , in this particular instance , was that Mrs Beattie and Mrs Friar could hardly be classed as neighbours and even the most cock-eyed optimist would never even hope that they might even begin to be pleasant to each other .
30 Sage is currently re-vamping the online help system to make it context sensitive , and I 'm hoping that they 'll also look at idiot proofing and the application of the Windows interface .
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