Example sentences of "[conj] they [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The essence of diffusionism is that where you find the same or similar techniques you propose the existence of some form of cultural connection or ‘ borrowing ’ , especially when , in the case of material objects , the similarities do not stem automatically from the raw materials used , and where they are reinforced by large numbers of parallel instances .
2 It is impossible to recall contaminated eggs as they are distributed to packing stations around the country , where they are packed under British brand names .
3 With this system the batteries , usually PP3s but sometimes AAs in pods , just drop into the detector 's battery compartments where they are held against internal contacts by pressure , usually from the battery door .
4 Eventually they end up at a reprocessing plant where they are ground into tiny flakes , washed and dried .
5 ( The horns fetch tens of thousands of dollars in the Far East , where they are used in fever-reducing medicines — not as aphrodisiacs , as is commonly supposed . )
6 But despite these problems the method receives powerful support from the practical comparison of the representation of coin issues in hoards and the size of those issues where they are known from mint records .
7 They consist of a cabinet or tunnel in which items are placed and where they are subjected to hot spray of detergent solution followed by rinse water .
8 chiefly down the Rhinns. with a major Neolithic occupation site at Bolsay on the slope of Beinn Tart a Mhill and also amongst the sand dunes at Sanaig and Sanaigmore where they are accompanied by large quantities of heat shattered stones , often called pot boilers , from primitive fires .
9 But volcanoes are also found in the interiors of plates where they are associated with hot spots and tend to occur either as clusters or lines .
10 Water-fleas ( Daphnia ) , blood-worms and a few other kinds of small animal can be purchased cheaply from aquarists ' shops , where they are sold as live food for tropical fish .
11 Children presenting with acute respiratory infections were referred to the district hospital for chest radiography , and severely ill children were admitted to hospital , where they were treated by standard protocols , and monitored daily by the study physician .
12 But most cattle thefts were carried out in the interior of the Low Country , Kurunagala , and in the districts bordering these two areas , where they were organized by wealthy and powerful men .
13 ‘ Those found guilty were returned to Changi Jail where they were put into condemned cells to await their fate of execution , mainly by hanging .
14 Instead , they had taken up position in one of the shops opposite where they were concealed by heavy wooden boarding and from where they could see directly into Mordecai 's shop .
15 The youths were held prisoner at the Mandela home where they were subjected to vicious assaults .
16 In essence these are stand-alone management procedures except they are printed on pink paper .
17 Although they are operating from temporary premises in the nearby Court Arcade the number of visitors has fallen .
18 There are other sexist conventions of usage , however , which — although they are reproduced in everyday speech and writing — are ultimately sanctified by the authority of grammar books and dictionaries .
19 Although they are committed to individual advice work , they consider such work to be limited in its effectiveness .
20 Station-masters in all but the meanest stations aspired to high status , although they were subjected to great physical dangers during times of civil disturbance , the Revolution , and the Civil War .
21 Miners now work in the licensed mines for less than they were paid in British Coal 's mines .
22 You 'll notice that they 're geared to certain things on the on the question paper , th the the constituents really of what we 're going to talk about this afternoon , which will revolve mainly around thinking about things that you 're doing , I E good observation and concentration , those two going hand in hand , always organizing yourself in relation to a good separation distance , so you can equate what safety means to you .
23 However erm one thing I think that 's got to be borne in mind and it picks up a point that erm Leeds have made , is that they 're looking towards trendy migration , they say .
24 The listener indicates that they 're listening through non-verbal signals , mms and aahs , stretched out final syllables ( ‘ and th-e-n ’ ) , paraphrasing and summarising .
25 Hassan meanwhile ( between endless rushes to airports , trying to convince faceless , emotionless authorities that they 're dealing with genuine political refugees ) realises his life must find time for love as well as small ‘ p ’ politics .
26 ‘ It goes on to say that they 're designated for marine use .
27 This man has the unenviable task of telling hungry women and children queueing for food that they 're waiting in vain .
28 It does n't help when , as a child , your brother leads you to believe that they 're used as rubber pants for hamsters .
29 Given the amount of calls and the fact that they 're telephoned in different areas it seems a lot of trouble to go through if it was a hoax .
30 Teachers must be intellectuals in the sense that they are engaged in constant co-operative inquiry into the content and method of schooling , an inquiry in which their own experiences and thoughts provide major input .
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