Example sentences of "[conj] she [be] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 What about the guy that she 's seeing at the moment ?
2 The details of Julian 's life are not known , but it is highly unlikely that she was professed at the time of her visionary experience — if at all .
3 Luke stood outside his own front door and read the note that Susan had left under the door-knocker , telling him that she was staying at the Palings Hotel .
4 She had n't thought she would understand what Fand meant ; but after only a moment the sense came to her that she was looking at a prisoner — at someone captive , helpless .
5 It was a full minute before she realised that she was looking at a reflection of herself in the polished metal shield that Simon had propped against a tree to protect her from any stray arrows .
6 Harriet glanced at Meredith and saw that she was looking at the picture .
7 Her voice had a sad note to it and he knew that she was standing at the gate watching him as he rode away .
8 She realized that she was staring at the snow .
9 She made out that she was paying at the farm to clean it .
10 She climbed up again , then ran along the shoreline until she was standing at the nearest point to it .
11 Her name was Clasina Maria Hoornik and she was born at The Hague in February , 1850 .
12 A minute later her head was as high as the tallest tree in the wood , and she was looking at a sea of green leaves .
13 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
14 And er very straight-faced in fact , and she was sitting at the back of the room , and I , I 'd just said to everybody , I said nobody here 's got a life purchased annuity , have they ?
15 Doctor Rossitter came and dressed Susan 's arm , which he said was much better ; and in the afternoon Breeze left her sister safely tucked up and she was knocking at the Vicarage door on the stroke of three .
16 Ruth wondered if she was gazing at the dark whiskers which sprouted on her chin and made her so appropriately , though unfortunately , named .
17 He waited for her smile , but she was staring at the plate .
18 He and his wife have been looking after Mother and daughter while she was treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford .
19 He and his wife have been looking after Mother and daughter while she was treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford .
20 While she was looking at the pictures , Griselda , Anna 's mother 's cat , came in and jumped on to the cat woman 's lap .
21 I supervised her professional training while she was working at the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute at Penicuik , and appointed her as an Assistant Librarian at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh just over a year ago .
22 Her garments were so large and flowing that a man could have pleasured her while she was waiting at a bus-stop and no one would have been any the wiser .
23 Baby Jasmine TYaylor died just eight hours after she was born at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford .
24 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
25 I knew she 'd better be told , otherwise she 'd get a bonnie fright when she was stopped at the paydesk and accused of shoplifting .
26 ‘ Passed up a couple of total certs to come to your bloody bun-fight , ’ she complained , though she was looking at the poor child all the time , with her eyes half-closed and tossing her head so the sockets would catch the light .
27 A female dealer at Tudorbury Securities felt the hand of chief executive Roderick Alexander Innes Hamilton , affectionately known as RAI , sidling over her bottom as she was queuing at the SEAQ screen .
28 It was quite easy , for she was standing at the front of the Council House talking to a large policeman and when Dad and I reached them he said , ‘ There you are Mrs. Maidment , I knew he 'd turn up like a bad penny ! ’
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