Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] he would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from anything else , she wanted to recompense him in some way , although she doubted he would accept a reward .
2 What Eleanor did tell him however , was that she was about to go on holiday but that she hoped he would come to a meal in her flat when she returned .
3 The hand under hers clenched on the settee cushion , his face went red , and his eyes flashed such vindictive rage for a moment that she thought he would hit her , then he controlled himself , sitting silently by her on the settee , until she felt his hand gradually relax .
4 He really was the most annoying , irritating man she had ever met , and if it had n't been for the fact that she knew he would carry out his threat and have her sacked she would have refused point-blank to go tonight .
5 The warmth that Alain had shown her from time to time had quite gone now and she knew he would continue to be an enemy .
6 But it was only one of those sleeps into which he was ever more likely to fall during the day and she knew he would waken , roaring , in an hour or so .
7 It had been impossible to thwart him under the glare of media attention back at the restaurant , and she was still trying to decide how to deal with the situation if he wanted to come in with her when they reached her apartment — and she knew he would want to .
8 And then suddenly he did stop and she was all sticky and messy and she thought he would speak to her now and comfort her or beg her in his whisper to kiss him , as he had done under the bridge the other nights they 'd met .
9 Dane gripped her by the shoulders then , and she thought he would shake her .
10 It was the producer of a touring play from England , and she thought he 'd help her to launch her career in England … which of course he did .
11 Wherever she went his eyes followed her and she wished he would speak even if it was only a harsh word .
12 And she wished he would do up his pyjamas .
13 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed without elaborating , because although it was true it was n't entirely the truth , and she hoped he would have the good manners not to probe further .
14 She must be mad if she thought he 'd do that , go anywhere near Barry .
15 ‘ Yet if she insisted he would wait , he would wait for her , if he must .
16 She wanted to tell him that she had n't meant a word she had said , but if she did he would think she was hoping he was the rich man she had talked about .
17 She was too old for a doll 's house now so it did n't matter , but she hoped he would finish what he was doing for Oliver .
18 But she said he would explain
19 Hari felt the impulse to ruffle William 's hair but she knew he would resent being treated like the child he was , boys grew up quickly in the harsh realities of World 's End .
20 She would have told Jacob about her new purpose , but she knew he would see it as another sign of her raving , a sign of some new imbalance , and would try to search for causes , try to talk her out of it .
21 But she doubted he would offer either .
22 Rain wanted to say she would phone in the morning , or later that evening perhaps , to check that he was all right , but she guessed he would reject her concern .
23 Rachel sat there in the back of the Mercedes , unable to give him the stinging retort on her lips because she knew he would do what he promised , and she had a profound fear that the minute he made love to her fully the feelings she was desperately trying to suppress would keel over and completely overwhelm her , leaving her not just vulnerable but absolutely devastated by the reality of what they were .
24 She wore jeans and a sweatshirt that night — and then felt foolish because she knew he would realise instantly why she was covering herself from head to toe .
25 She had not told Tony either , because she knew he 'd want her to have an abortion , and she would have refused , and this would have split them up .
26 The policewoman was surprised because she assumed he would have been privy to everything about Mills .
27 And when she returned he would imagine that he could see the glow of the skin , the satisfied smile of remembered happiness , could almost smell that she had been making love .
28 But there again , as she knew he would have argued , politics were a serious matter .
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