Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] that [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 And she hugged him tight , tight , as she had not done since he was much younger and liked to squeeze her back until she protested that she could n't breathe .
2 Slowly she imagined taking one step after another until she reported that she could physically go no further because the slope of the ceiling was so steep .
3 He chatted on about them for the rest of the journey , as she had hoped he would , and she learnt that they could n't be better looked after .
4 Again she saw Gazzer in her mind , laughing with Bella , clowning around , never taking anything seriously and she knew that she could never find the right words to convince Bella that he was dangerous .
5 Someone was coming , and she felt that she could n't bear it if he , because it was a man , said , " Having trouble with your shoe ? "
6 Her large eyes were fixed on him , and she wished that she could go away and leave him in peace when he had laboured for so long and so hard .
7 and she found that she could n't get the settee and the chairs in because , if you remember , they were sort of open armed , they , they were very wide .
8 It was some time since she and Papa had played one of their fierce games ; he never gave quarter to anyone , but she thought that she could remember what he had taught her .
9 Anne went to offer to help Margaret with the nursing but she said that she could manage .
10 Constance wanted to run home but she knew that she could n't leave her bike .
11 She had seldom lied to her friend , but she knew that she could have described to her a proletarian custom whereby retired coalmen ate live eel-worms and not have been disbelieved .
12 In many ways the life of a great political hostess was very attractive to her , which only made her feel more guilty , but she knew that she could not tolerate a life of subordination and absolute dependency .
13 He did n't seem to know what it was himself , but she knew that it could n't be love , and if it was n't love then none of the other possibilities mattered .
14 She senses what he 's after : she ca n't exactly explain it , but she knows that he could take her away .
15 But she found that she could not tear her eyes away from him .
16 Jane had English and biology A-levels , but she found that anyone could enrol as a mature student for training in speech therapy ; however , entry to courses is becoming increasingly competitive .
17 as though there had never been another world , and when a boy she knew , who lived in Doncaster , asked if he could come over and take her out , she refused him , although she liked him , because she knew that she could not bear to allow herself to emerge .
18 So their affair was begun , their part-time affair , as Maria took to calling it , at first only to herself , but then aloud in Luke 's presence when she discovered that it could bring a quick frown to his face .
19 When she saw that she could not stop him she tried another tack .
20 Her deafness became evident at the age of 12 while she was attending a school run by a Reverend Perry , when she found that she could not hear very well if she sat too far from the teacher , and by the time she was 16 , it had worsened as to become very noticeable and inconvenient to herself .
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