Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
2 Sarah Fuller had complained that she had lost some money .
3 She told Annie that she had to do some shopping , then doubled back and waited .
4 ‘ If the creditor takes adequate steps to inform her and reasonably supposes that she has an adequate comprehension of the obligations she is undertaking and an understanding of the effect of the transaction , the fact that she failed to grasp some material part of the document , or , indeed , the significance of what she was doing , can not , I think , in itself give her an equity to set aside , notwithstanding that at an earlier stage the creditor relied upon her husband to obtain her consent to enter into the obligation of surety .
5 He was probably under the impression that she wanted to buy some furniture .
6 Perhaps he ceased to be useful to her once she 'd had some success in England — I do n't know .
7 She said her name was Liz , she was a friend of the family , and she had done some nursing once , a long time ago , but gave it up to get married .
8 But at the same time she was young , and she wanted to have some fun before she became exactly like her mother .
9 No formal or academic qualifications were required for this , and she did get some training .
10 But this was untrue , for Minch had become quieter and more peaceful as the months had gone by , staring out over the Zoo with a mysterious tranquillity , as if she had found some contentment that eluded the others .
11 ‘ Even if she had stole some wine , ’ Rab said .
12 He had probably come to the same conclusion and if she tried to give some kind of explanation he would raise his eyebrows and look at her in astonishment , and she would feel utterly foolish .
13 Just say if she 's soaked some stuff written on it .
14 ‘ I was so impressed I gave her a tape with a backing track on it the band had done , and asked her if she wanted to do some work on it .
15 But she had to give some thought to him , too .
16 Meredith supposed Harriet would be fully committed socially over the Christmas period but she wanted to offer some token of hospitality , so she went across the road after breakfast and asked if Harriet would like to come over to lunch .
17 She was quite good with delinquent adolescents partly because she seemed to have some insight into the impulse that makes the young and the violent turn on the weak and the defenceless …
18 She was unconscious because she had taken some sleeping pills .
19 One day she left it on a table in the coffee bar for two minutes while she went to get some sugar .
20 From there she hopped to the pond at the back of the school , for she felt sure that she could hide safely there in the weeds and rushes while she tried to find some solution to her appalling problem .
21 She would open them after she had made some coffee .
22 When Annunziata came to collect the tray , Julia asked her tentatively whether she had had some news .
23 When she had recovered some composure , she covered his body with her shawl and sat down beside it with her children by her , hoping a neighbour would hear of her plight and come to help her .
24 When she had bought some food in the local grocer 's that morning people had been excited .
25 When she 'd regained some degree of composure , she asked , ‘ Have you had any further thoughts as to where Mamma 's ‘ appropriate ’ place might be ? ’
26 She reported that she had already removed , cleaned and returned them as she had caught some wool under one of them .
27 Donna rubbed both hands across her face , her body quivering as she began to regain some warmth , some feeling in her extremities .
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