Example sentences of "[conj] this [is] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Drinking water supplies are believed to be contaminated ; the sale of bottled water to Koreans is prohibited by law ( foreigners are exempt ) , although this is increasingly flouted as concern over water safety grows .
2 Although this is often construed as ‘ thou shalt not do this ’ , or ‘ thou shalt not do that ’ , holiness is really Christian discipline for the service of Christ .
3 To ensure that this is both recognised and accepted , an effective programme of IT Security Awareness is essential .
4 A crystal monochromator may be used to narrow the line and eliminate unwanted components , but the increase in complexity and the reduction in intensity that are inevitably involved mean that this is only done if very high resolution is required ( see below ) .
5 But I feel that the weak point in the imagery is in the use of ‘ pathetic fallacy and this is clearly shown when Pip is about to meet his benefactor and there is a raging storm outside to show change
6 Fundamental to British education is the aim to help all children achieve their full potential , and this is generally seen as involving building on the strengths children bring with them to schools .
7 While the forge is always warm and inside is the loving , childlike Joe who has goodness all around him and this is particularly shown when he looks after Pip when he has a fever and the power of that scene .
8 All the early Fleetwood Mac guitar tones are available in the middle position and this is further accentuated when both humbuckers are coil-tapped .
9 Each book contains an unnumbered introductory unit teaching the complete phonemic alphabet and this is constantly revised and practised throughout both levels .
10 A word with letters in uncommon positions is regarded as having low orthographic redundancy , and this is sometimes described as low spatial redundancy .
11 But this is immediately dispelled when you hear them , when you know they 're taking the temperature of the times .
12 ‘ Get a ticket , not a criminal record , ’ the ads urge you ; but this is easier said than done .
13 But this is easier said than done .
14 You should experiment with the proportion of medium used but this is soon done and it is possible to use the medium to achieve delicate glaze effects .
15 Positive feedback enhances the initial release , but this is soon curtailed as the accumulation of calcium activates the negative feedback component .
16 As far as the food is concerned , you might consider some formula based on costs since this is widely understood and accepted .
17 its compatibility with a mandated curriculum , whether this is governmentally set or determined by a public examination system ;
18 Our local representative will make every effort possible to allocate separate beds when this is particularly requested but it may on occasion be impossible .
19 Overnight street parking is usually available in Market Square or the surrounding streets , though this is either restricted or prohibited between 08.30 and 18.30 hours .
20 It is important to note in this context that courts have an inherent power to permit anyone to act as advocate , though this is seldom exercised except for the massive exception which at one time allowed police officers to act as prosecutors in the magistrates ' courts .
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