Example sentences of "[conj] this [modal v] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher was determined that this would not happen to her .
2 Even in Oahu , where the solution is intense , the coastal limestone regions receive only about 1000 mm ( 25 in ) of rain a year and this would not appear to be sufficient to account for the amount of solution .
3 But this may not apply to other offences .
4 Some books will no doubt disappear , but this should not lead to the library being discontinued .
5 In smaller tanks avoid the larger species , such as Labeotropheus fuelleborni , or Petrotilapia , but this should not apply to you , as your tank is a good size .
6 The government also agrees that there should be a ban on co-option with voting rights to decision-taking committees , but this will not apply to magistrates appointed to police committees , church representatives on education committees , or local committees managing specific council facilities .
7 As Fulbright presented it , in what amounted to a proclamation of American innocence and British guilt , the US had been had' by her allies ; and while this may not appear to be entirely convincing , Fulbright had picked up the importance of what Acheson had described as the danger of Ho Chi Minh 's ‘ direct communist connection ’ — and might , indeed , have gone further .
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