Example sentences of "[conj] this [be] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What I shall be arguing is that this is not simply because the kids are so difficult , nor because teachers are intrinsically powder-kegs of suppressed rage , but because the way most decent people view the world — their implicit personal philosophy if you like — breaks down when pushed to the limit and delivers misguided answers to difficult questions .
2 Patrick Forbes is the first to point out that this is not so and that the title is just a brand name , but the confusion still persists .
3 Rolt warns that this is not so because that spirit can only express itself in creative activities in which work and leisure are facets of one whole .
4 The average man may perhaps think it an exaggeration but I do assure you that this is factually so and nights are not now so dark that I can not be completely aware of what is happening around me before , during and after the nets have been set .
5 Decisions such as these show that the courts inclined to the view that in a conflict between the common law property right of an individual and the statutory powers of a local authority to interfere with those rights , the benefit of any doubt in statute was to be given to the individual — and that this was particularly so if the statute gave less than full compensation to the individual .
6 However , in his researches , Professor Mark Rosenzweig was able to prove that this was not so and that , given sufficient stimulation , the brain can actually develop at any age .
7 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
8 All you need to do is to collect the thorns yourself the day before your own net is set — and this is easy enough since you know precisely where they are .
9 The counsellor needs to be aware of the wishes and expectations of both old and young alike about the nature of the caring role within the family , and this is particularly so when families live separately .
10 Legal issues , like other technical problems , can only be properly understood within their broader social context , and this is especially so when our purpose is not only to understand the world , but to change it . ’
11 In contrast , unrestricted-use credit is where the debtor has the control over the application of the loan , and this is so even if it is a term of the loan contract that he must apply the money to a specified purpose ( CCA 1974 , s.11(3) ) .
12 Now erm I suppose more recently coming up the present , coming away from nineteenth century Vienna into erm I suppose really I suppose the nineteen seventies , nineteen eighties , people became much more interested in the issue of child sex abuse again and this was n't really because of any great developments in clinical psychology or psychiatry .
13 And this was not simply because she wished to be above reproach : it was also because , nearing her time , she found the eight-year-old boy exhausting .
14 Examining the effects of histology , histological type , the early mortality patient with benign was point three percent and this was significantly less than the early mortality for those patients who had prostate cancer , which was two point nine percent , almost ten times greater .
15 Yet had the visitors been England or Australia he may well not have been able to resist the temptation , and this was only partly because they were the leading lights in world cricket ; there was also the racial aspect , in that he passionately wanted to prove that a team of black players led by a black captain was the equal of , if not better than , the white teams .
16 The numbers were vast and this was very largely because the movies were not just appealing to sections of the masses but to the masses in general .
17 Breaking down the walls of knobache is , of course , the most clichéd subject possible for a pop song but this is both swirly and burly and rarfer tasty .
18 An agreement to induce a breach of contract might be thought to fall outside this protection because inducement is a tort if committed by one person , but this is not so if the inducement is protected by section 13(1) .
19 But this is not absolutely or finally convincing … ’
20 But this is so only where the fence etc. was erected with reference to the highway and would probably not apply where the fence was erected for some other reason ( A.G. v Beynon , [ 1969 ] 2 All ER 263 ) .
21 But this is so only if we equate democracy with a simple and unrestrained majoritarianism , and as we have seen , there are good democratic reasons for not making that equation .
22 But this was not simply because Mary was sent to France .
23 But this was probably more because of interference than natural decay : ‘ The bones [ are ] firmly united and the flesh and skin dried up like tanned leather .
24 There are occasions , however , when this is not so as some noxious or offensive gases have very low threshold detection values , e.g. many of those malodorants associated with sewage treatment processes which include gases such as methyl mercaptan , ethyl mercaptan and dimethylamine .
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