Example sentences of "[conj] you will [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You must promise that you will show it to him as you have done to me . ’
2 We ask that You will guide her in all her work as a leader of our nation and the Commonwealth , and that you will bless her in the life of her home and family .
3 I hope that you will do something about it .
4 It does n't mean that you will do everything in this way — you will have your own ideas and so will your management .
5 This letter is to confirm our agreement that you will provide us with an authoring program for Reading for English .
6 We ask that You will guide her in all her work as a leader of our nation and the Commonwealth , and that you will bless her in the life of her home and family .
7 I will post this at once so that you will have it by tomorrow 's first post .
8 Now , what I was gon na do now was go through this quoick transformation right , you 're not gon na be asked t to produce it in an exam or anything like that , but the reason why I 'm doing it now is that you will need it for your er , your Q M exam not er your exam , your project right , cos there is a similar applicat , it 's quite a commonly used tool you 'll find er , where wherever we have a , erm , an expression with an infinite number of erm possibilities or an in infinite number of arguments .
9 We hope that you will support us in this venture .
10 Valda having provided the introduction , I was of course quite delighted to try and help you with names and contacts the other day on the telephone , and note that you will supply me with a strictly personal and confidential copy at the conclusion of your endeavours and I appreciate this VERY much !
11 Either I accompany you to your room and wait while you have your shower and do whatever else you feel necessary before we leave , or I wait here , in the lobby , and you give me your word that you will join me within the hour . ’
12 I know your ships comm will record this message , and that you will see it before long .
13 It 's blood that 's being lost at a high rate , it 's dangerous whatever ver vessel it 's coming from , so you will stop it by pad , pressure and elevation , you will attempt to reduce the loss of blood and assist the formation of a clot , once you 've assisted in the formation of a clot , by putting the pad on it , would it be sensible to have a little peak to see how it 's doing ?
14 This pretty island is only an hour away by ferry so you will have plenty of time to get a real feel for the island and begin to enjoy its special magic before it is time to leave .
15 Instead of feeling nervous and so acting nervously , act calmly and you will trick yourself into feeling calm .
16 You will think I want to marry you only for what I have done , and you will refuse me on that score . ’
17 But when the whole sum is due , by no intendment the acceptance of parcel can be a satisfaction to the plaintiff ; but in the case at bar it was resolved that the payment and acceptance of parcel before the day in satisfaction of the whole would be a good satisfaction in regard of circumstance of time ; for peradventure parcel of it before the day would be more beneficial to him than the whole at the day , and the value of the satisfaction is not material ; so if I am bound in £20 to pay you £10 at Westminster , and you request me to pay you £5 at the day at York , and you will accept it in full satisfaction for the whole £10 , it is a good satisfaction for the whole , for the expenses to pay it at York is sufficient satisfaction . ’
18 Turn left when you reach the fortifications and you will find yourself at the back of the Černín Palace ( 5/101 ) .
19 Listen to almost any modern performance of troubadour or trouvère song … and you will find yourself in a sound-world of instrumental accompaniment that is more or less make-believe .
20 And you will recognise them as the words of Jesus .
21 I will come and see you and teach you Italian and you will help me with my English . ’
22 You will not get drunk and you will help me in this business . ’
23 But look at the three vanguard social reforms through the eyes of a Conservative MP defending a small majority , and you will see naught for his comfort .
24 In a small employment agency there may only be one interviewer and you will put yourself at a disadvantage if you make a bad start .
25 Those of you who are taking shorthand units will be doing a lot of listening practice and you will have plenty of opportunities to improve your skills .
26 If you will contain yourself in reasonable patience , and permit me to do what I came here to do , we will all be better off !
27 ‘ Brother , if you will send it to me I will make lots of drawings for you of the Heike , and whatever you want … .
28 And if you will help us with a donation today , I know we can get the action we need .
29 It is n't invariable practice amongst conveyancers even to keep a third copy of a simple transfer for themselves ( but always keep one if it contains restrictions , or the grant or reservation of rights , etc , or if you will require one for your mortgagee 's solicitors ; normally one prepares top and carbon , both of which are sent to the seller 's conveyancers with a suggestion that the top copy , too , should be retained and used as the engrossment if its terms are approved .
30 If you will indulge me by listening , I would be most grateful .
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