Example sentences of "[conj] you have [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You had deliberately led me to believe that you 'd picked up a stranger in Bruges , and naturally I had assumed him to be a Belgian . ’
2 The stages were so enormous — about 60 feet across — that you had to poke out a bit of noise just to make yourself heard .
3 Oh dear , the thing is , as , as far as I can remember I ca n't find it in any of the two books that I 've got out at the moment , it 's not under , but I vaguely remember that you have to dig down a certain .
4 ‘ But why , once you 'd found out the truth about Ryan and me , did n't you drop your custody claim immediately ?
5 I entered it because I thought it would increase my confidence ; once you 've walked down a catwalk in a swimsuit , you can face most things .
6 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
7 It contains a lot of questionnaires for which there are no answers and with not much guidance on what to do with the answers once you have filled in the pages .
8 All this becomes obvious once you have set up the machine to knit lace .
9 Once you have worked out the phonemic system of the language , if you are using a card file , work systematically through it , changing all phonetic transcriptions into phonemic ones .
10 Once you have added up the figures in the budget planner , you will have to deduct income tax to arrive at the net spending amount available to you .
11 If the answer to this is " yes ' , you will be surprised how much better you will feel once you have carried out a clearing-up project .
12 Once you have carried out the instruction , your turn ends ( if you are sent back three spaces and land on another Point of Order , for example , do not pick another card ) .
13 Once you have sorted out the distractions like that , you can have some amazing fun re-planning your house .
14 Once you have picked up a signal you concentrate in that area until the signal is received at the greatest possible volume .
15 Only special notice from you to those involved that your agent 's authority has ended will prevent you being liable once you have held out an agent as having the right to legally commit you to certain agreements .
16 You can already manage horses better than any man I know — with the possible exception of Tom here — and you 've picked up a good general knowledge of farming .
17 Well it 's , look he passed the hundred and fifty metre mark , ten seconds later he passed the two hundred and fifty metre mark , how far did he run in ten seconds and you 've put down a hundred metres
18 And you 've worked out the audience .
19 But Mr Stewart said : ‘ You are a liar and you have made up the story about the gun and the threats to kill . ’
20 You get a little book , and you have to take out the tape , and you have to write down the different conversations you have in between , all your conversations , and then erm , .
21 However , you will probably have obstacles such as window reveals , door openings and built-in furniture in the room , all competing to be the centre of attention , and you have to work out the best ‘ centre point ’ while trying to avoid having very thin cut-tile borders and edges anywhere .
22 You get a little book , and you have to take out the tape , and you have to write down the different conversations you have in between , all your conversations , and then erm , .
23 If you had to fill in the gap at the end of the following sentence , what would you put ?
24 If you had to sum up the idea of Playboy it is anti-Puritanism , ’ said Hefner at the time .
25 Today we can talk about sex without modesty or fear , but bring up the subject of death and you will be treated with the same social horror as if you had brought up the subject of masturbation at a Victorian ladies ' tea party .
26 But if you 've made up the gain at all , then since it 's residential property , it 's exempt .
27 If you 've taken down a door leading from hall to living room , or kitchen to dining room , you may be lucky and be left with interesting architrave mouldings around doorways , but if they 're plain modern ones , you 'll probably rip them out with the door .
28 It sounds a bit dodgy if you 've got out the car , left all your lights and stuff on the bloody door open .
29 It went into your jotter , your jotter was handed in on the Monday morning , or the first time you went to the eng the English class and the teacher was his name , he went over that and if you 'd missed out a comma , you see or a full stop or anything like that .
30 So if it was , you would n't know that of course if you 'd picked up the phone , would you ?
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