Example sentences of "[conj] you [verb] it in [art] " in BNC.

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1 How you going to know exactly where the boundaries go or i in between some land-lock countries that you got it in the right position
2 And the thing about Fingers was always black now with holding on to the thingummy and then putting in drifts , and hammering , your fingers was get er drift was always on a in a a pan a wee pan with oil in it , drift was always full of oil and you stuck it in the hole .
3 So our suggestion is that the media , if you get it right , effectively , efficiently , economically , can do a lot of work in terms of promotional , information sharing and so on , as education , other things , and you name it in the context of your particular interest and organization .
4 I would also like , and I know this is where I 'll get problems I would if we are gon na try and get the kids into a routine over them doing their work I think the easiest routine for them to have is that you do you , you get , you have your lesson you do your homework that night and you hand it in the next day .
5 Er er it was like a Molotov co bo cocktail , a thing like that and you put it in the , in the tube and you put a wad of cotton , gun cotton behind it closed the flap at the back onto er just a latch , like a , a door a gate latch which locked it , then fired the cap which fired the gun cotton which sent the well then we we 're trying this out on the waste ground where the , that was then , where the waterworks ' offices are now in Green Lane , well there that was , at that time , that was a glue factory that was the glue factory there ooh .
6 Just pay your money and you put it in the tray
7 If the parka also has USS Ticondcroga printed across the left breast and you won it in a backgammon game on San Francisco 's Pier 39 , then you have enough kudos to carry it off .
8 and you do it in the airports as well , I 've seen , I er , me uncle works in Manchester airport
9 Why and you leave it in the tub .
10 I think it went like that before and you fixed it in the
11 Even if you use it in the rough edit stage to see how the music fits the visuals , without the licences it is theoretically illegal .
12 I think anger 's a really positive energy if you use it in the right way .
13 If you use it in the middle , it 's got to have commas both sides of it .
14 ‘ Nothing , ’ said the little boy , ‘ but it might taste better if you cooked it in the frying pan ! ’
15 That still puts the brakes on pretty hard does n't it , if you stick it in a figure less than thirty one thousand in the last five years .
16 I soon learned to hide it because if you left it in the dining room or by your place somebody else would take it .
17 If you put it in a basin then you can sort of
18 If you put it in a tea chest and bend its limbs then it 's likely to get broken , and it would n't quite fit in you see d' you see it , And yes she she 's jumping ahead already you see .
19 Yeah if you put it in the back of the car I 'll nip up and do it
20 Yeah but if you put it in the dark it goes all starry .
21 That would be alright till next week , if you put it in the fridge .
22 There is said to be an area on the knee called The Three-Mile Point ; it sounds wonderful for runners because , practitioners say , if you touch it in the right way , you 'll have enough energy to run another three miles .
23 Well I think even if you do n't do it as one christian or as one human being to another , even if you do it in the view of a general who sleeps with the enemy general 's picture over his bed and you 've got ta try and think into this man 's mind , remember he 's from West Belfast , he 's from the area that this man was killed in .
24 I think for those of you who do n't live here , if you fancy a hot dog , you ca n't have onions with it if you buy it in the city centre , because the smell of cooking onions is banned .
25 The point about the shop is that erm it sells things on a medieval theme and more specifically it has we have this undertaking that if you see it in the house , you can buy it in the shop .
26 If you hang it in the kitchen , ’ Betty said , ‘ the gamekeeper might pass and look in and then you 'll be in trouble . ’
27 But if you read it in the way the UK does , you might catch only five or ten projects a year . ’
28 So if you need it in a hurry it can be a problem .
29 If you leave it in a dark place and keep it wet it 's bound to grow big .
30 Deciding on your best option is not easy , so before taking action you should at least consult your company pension scheme manager to give you an assessment of the likely value of your pension if you leave it in the scheme .
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