Example sentences of "[conj] you [modal v] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Entering the Portal will transport you back to the five doors where you can visit another country and city .
2 Well it actually does n't very , it does n't touch the actual fence it erm all along the concrete poles they 've got holes through them where you can put some wire different higher of fence you see
3 Also listed are some other places where these services may be provided , or where you can get more information .
4 At the same time that personal computer technology is moving to centre stage for corporate applications , ‘ it is moving down into what you might call the intelligent television , where you can select any type of movie to see , or shop , or interact with information , ’ Gates said .
5 ‘ Father Abbot , you were not with us in Gwytherin , or you would recognize this wonder .
6 You may forget about this entirely , or you may spend some time exploring possibilities in a rather inconsequential way .
7 ‘ Well do it , and make sure you satisfy Herr Christanssen , or you 'll get that whipping I promised you . ’
8 Or you 'll find this time that you will be court-martialled and end up in the gaol you were originally intended for . ’
9 Very much easier to produce , these weeping standards consist simply of an easily struck rambler cutting with only the one single strongest shoot allowed to develop into a whip and stopped off at the desired height — or you can throw all convention to the winds and simply use a short pillar , fix an umbrella into position , and let a normal growing rambler fall over it .
10 Or you can read some source of information that predicts the future .
11 Or you could stay another year at school or college and re-take the subjects you failed .
12 And go ye forth and fight with King Bucar : for be ye certain and doubt not that ye shall win this battle ; God hath granted me this .
13 Although you may feel that Page 3 models , pornographic magazines , videos and films have no relevance to your life , and certainly no relevance to your obsession with losing weight or remaining slim , it is easy to see how such images of womanhood can contribute to a sense of vulnerability to rape , or just confusion over whether having breasts and thighs means you are always sexually available .
14 Many councillors take the view that it is easy to drum up names for a petition although you may have more impact if , say , the petition is restricted to immediate neighbours of the development .
15 You actually have three children under the age of seven , and if your husband died while they were still young , still in education , heaven forbid , but these things still do happen , it might be that you think that you would need more cover at that point in time , than later on , maybe when the children have left home .
16 ‘ The general expectation in the MoD at that time was that you would get another round of discussions with Argentina at a political level , and that the real difficulties were more likely to occur in the summer than at the time they did . ’
17 What would be the priorities that you would put these war aims ?
18 Can I take it from what you said Professor Lock that you would envisage this policy as providing for B one B two and B eight development ?
19 " My teachers desire me to address this letter to you relative to my education , that you may form some idea what progress I have made in different studies since last Midsummer .
20 This means that you may get some help with the costs of :
21 so that you may find that father is n't up to it today
22 Never shop when you 're tired as the chances are that you 'll find any bed comfortable
23 ‘ I do n't think , ’ she said evenly , ‘ that you 'll find any mention of feebleness and clock-watching in these . ’
24 However , you must realise that you 'll have less stop and control ; play for the openings between greenside bunkers , and hit for the fat part of the green .
25 ‘ If you were , as you were hoping to be , her legal custodian , you would be in a very powerful position — and I have reason to fear that you might abuse that power . ’
26 ‘ I can see that you 'd feel that way , ’ she said softly .
27 Okay so this was worked out not really knowing anything about what 's going on here we 've got that and that go together what would happen well pretty good bet that you 'd get this calcium chloride cos that seems to form pretty easily .
28 And i and of course when she worked When Mum used to work in Nottingham you could er be assured that you 'd have some bacon on a Saturday , and Sunday , because she used to call at T. N. 's in Street , and buy sixpenny worth of bits of bacon .
29 Sir er you hinted that er if there are to be further written representations you 'd be looking to directing a cutoff date , and you hinted at I think tomorrow as being one possibility sir , so that you could leave this enquiry on Wednesday with all the papers you need and receive nothing more by way of written representation , evidence or any other documentation whatsoever .
30 If I 'm depressed at all it is that I think that you could make this process slightly less obtrusive and violent and spark-generating if there was more systematic analysis and discussion beforehand , going back a long way .
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