Example sentences of "[conj] for the [adv] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What is immediately obvious is that the agreements are all in the southwest or the north of England and that for the most part they are flat rivers .
2 If your preparation phase and goal setting has been done carefully and you do not expect yourself to do too much too soon , you should find that for the most part you succeed .
3 Few examples of complete trilobites are known and for the most part we have to be content with the exterior skeleton .
4 We consulted the acknowledged experts in the field , many of whom were not known to the general public ; and for the most part we did little more than synthesise their conclusions in a readily digestible fashion .
5 In 1920 Alexander married the actress Edith Page , a fellow Australian , but his marriage was not particularly happy and for the most part they lived apart .
6 The bedding which I observed at first hand in 1954 in the peasant community of Pul Eliya was nothing like as grand as the stereotype ; but , apart from some minor differences , it had all the same elements and for the most part they occurred in just the same sequence .
7 In many repects the bishops of the Merovingian kingdom were like secular magnates , and for the most part they were drawn from the same class .
8 Generally and for the most part they 'll come up with the same sum at the end of the day and if I go to two different philosophers and say , erm can you tell me about free will ?
9 These youth cliques , with picturesque names like Edelweisspiraten or , based on their taste in music , Swing , were regarded as a political menace by the regime , and for the most part their behaviour did contain a distinct political dimension — rejection of the Party , the Hitler Youth , the regime , and the Führer himself and the lack of freedom and dull uniformity which his rule represented .
10 They are often distrustful of any kind of technical or academic thinking about education , and for the most part their experience of the social sciences during their teacher training has compounded the problem .
11 They , and for the most part their teachers , often assume that only a few can do very well , the majority doing only moderately well , and a few doing poorly or even failing .
12 And for the most part it is the vocals which supply the important shades of light and dark on ‘ Nevermind ’ , winding their way in and out of the psyched guitar and flowing backline .
13 In Ballymacarrett , there was less unemployment , traditional gender roles were more clearly differentiated , the population was resident in traditional streets of terraced houses , and for the most part it had been established there for generations .
14 But for the most part we shivered in our beds that winter , heaping on more and more blankets , which seemed to be made of a mixture of cardboard and lead and only increased the weight without increasing the heat .
15 There may be the odd skirmish , but for the most part we 're happy to live alongside and respect one another 's lifestyle 's .
16 But for the most part they had been undisturbed in their magic island or resort that was closed to others but which they could leave when they pleased .
17 There are a few serious black runs , but for the most part they are ideal for beginners and intermediate skiers .
18 ‘ My experience of Christian missions has proved that they may be very good at saving souls , or bodies if they 're medical missions , but for the most part they 're not very good at business .
19 Here and there they pick up and make use of the old common balks in the former open fields , which must have been the usual way of proceeding from one village to another in open-field country , but for the most part they are drawn straight across the old furlongs and strips regardless of all considerations but that of directness .
20 Now there are some people who have doubtless believed that they an do such grand things , but for the most part they 've failed .
21 But for the most part he was , in Lewis 's eyes , an ‘ idle prig ’ who wasted his time cultivating well-born families and pretty boys and visiting exotic churches .
22 Occasionally , he would break the spell with a droll reminiscence , but for the most part he worked patiently and quietly , first on the symphony and then on the overture , where the work was even more quiet and concentrated , the string recitatives fashioned with a care most conductors would reserve only for the recitatives in the finale of Beethoven 's Ninth .
23 But for the most part he shouted , ‘ How come if I 'm the Devil Incarnate , I 've spent half this book down here in this poxy little room ? ’
24 Once or twice he seems to imply criticism of the manner in which a bishop was appointed , most notably in his account of the appointment of the layman Desiderius to the bishopric of Eauze , despite a promise that the post would go to a cleric , but for the most part he is prepared to record events with apparent impartiality .
25 Here and there the stuffing bulged , but for the most part it was in reasonable shape .
26 Hospital staff may possess charisma , but for the most part it is routinised ; it is the charisma of office , not of person .
27 There was a ‘ worker ’ element but for the most part it was a peasant revolt , described in James Scott 's study of rebellion and subsistence in Southeast Asia as one of the ‘ Depression rebellions ’ of 1930 .
28 There is a good deal of industry associated with the city , but for the most part it is not heavy industry .
29 But for the most part I have become a rather precious wayside nibbler , indulging in what the 1930s writer and fruit gourmet Edward Bunyard christened ‘ ambulant consumption ’ — single wild gooseberries ( squeezed to test for ripeness first ) ; sweet cicely seeds on walks before dinner , a kind of herbal aperitif ; squidgy dewberries eaten on the stalk , like cocktail cherries .
30 Enough there for a painting — but for the most part there is an awful lot of nothing and no canvas seems big enough to contain it .
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