Example sentences of "[conj] i could [not/n't] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 When she announced she was leaving at the end of the term , I felt this to be the final betrayal , although I could not blame her , even then .
2 first , my mother 's allergy meant she would sneeze every time she came near the owl , and , secondly , my little sister was so fascinated by Dawn that I could n't keep her away .
3 ‘ I spoke to Robert — he called Dawn and she became so hysterical that I could n't understand her .
4 She was so worried and scared of me that I could n't reward her when she did something right and , obviously , telling her off was out of the question .
5 I have to say that I regret deeply , deeply that I could not persuade her to make a film of Tosca .
6 But the priest said she could not live till morning , so I could not leave her . ’
7 The marriage brought neither of us happiness , especially when my lady wife insisted on hiding in one castle or the other so I could not follow her . ’
8 And I could n't reassure her enough , more than saying ‘ No , I have never had an affair with your husband ’ .
9 And I could n't bring her either , she would n't have it , and she would n't have made it anyway .
10 What the proctors would give — she was scared , and I could n't blame her .
11 dearly she was disenchanted with her bride groom and I could n't blame her .
12 She keeps giving me clothes — ; not this dear old awful thing , Mrs McPhee at home made this — and making me practise manners and the piano and I could n't tell her about last night , I could n't , I ca n't disappoint another person , not after my mother — ’ and Alexandra put her head down on to the slice of bread on her plate and burst into tears .
13 I had to go to London and I could n't leave her .
14 My mother danced away and I could n't see her .
15 I did n't see her until this afternoon , and I could n't ask her then , not just before her operation .
16 And I could n't find her , Ellie .
17 Granny was gone and I could n't take her , try as I might .
18 ‘ Idiot that I was , I was crass enough to insist , since I could n't see her privately ; to push her into a corner and tell her … tell her — oh , lord , I must have been mental ! — that if I could n't see her privately I would n't see her ever again . ’
19 If I could not reassure her by telling her Neil was there , and watching , it was possible , more , probable , that she would insist either on my moving into a lodging in the village , or that some of the men from the village would keep watch on Otters ' Bay and the empty house .
20 Probably cos I could n't see her
21 I could hear my wife , Sharon , in the driver 's seat of our Peugeot 405 but I could not see her because my eyes were clouded with blood .
22 I moved round to the other windows , but I could not see her in any of the rooms .
23 I could n't be sorry for her , but I could n't tell her he was right .
24 She added smoothly , ‘ Not that that had anything to do with me , but I could n't stop her .
25 Once I felt my hand touch her sleeve on the river bottom but I could n't find her . "
26 But I could n't get her to the doctor , she would n't go .
27 I was on the plane too , but I could n't help her .
28 ‘ Idiot that I was , I was crass enough to insist , since I could n't see her privately ; to push her into a corner and tell her … tell her — oh , lord , I must have been mental ! — that if I could n't see her privately I would n't see her ever again . ’
29 In fact she was walking up and down and I could see her mouth opening and closing as she meowed , though I could n't hear her .
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