Example sentences of "[conj] i would never [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Living with the family in Richmond is bewildering , and although I would never admit it I feel as though I have made a big mistake .
2 Do n't you know that I would never hurt you ? ’
3 Believe me when I say that I would never hurt you .
4 I did n't know that they could , but I 'd always sworn to her that I would never involve her in any way and I 've never broken my word .
5 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
6 I was beginning to think you hated me and that I 'd never hold you in my arms again , ’ he said huskily .
7 I opened it out knowing straight off that I 'd never get it re-folded properly , and found Blackberry Hill .
8 And I would never encourage her to diet or try drastically to change herself .
9 What you 're not likely to see is the peculiarities of , of the person erm showing themselves and if they do show too much , the likelihood is that the rest of the group will start to erm freeze out that individual , regardless because they 're no longer corresponding to the to the ideals of the group and er so consequently , erm I personally have no time for group psychoanalysis and I would never recommend it to anybody , although of course , for non-analytic things like losing weight or in stopping smoking or drinking , there 's a lot to be said for it , but one should n't confuse that kind of group reinforcement with erm analysis , cos analysis as we 've seen is quite different .
10 Depending on reactions to this first effort , there may be more tracks to ‘ get more people involved from the club ’ , but Danny is unwilling to commit himself to anything except his work as a DJ — ‘ I love it and I 'd never give it up for anything . ’
11 He could go anywhere he wanted and I 'd never find him again .
12 She knows I 've got some , but I 'd never give her the satisfaction of telling her how much .
13 But I 'd never see her again if I took 'er there .
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