Example sentences of "[conj] i would [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So , with this weird combination of reluctance and eagerness , I confessed to her that I 'd made a copy of my cock and a cock tracing and that I 'd put them in her in-box late one night and then thought better of it .
2 It seemed to me shocking that they should engage in such a crude , almost obscene activity in public , and I would watch them with fascinated repulsion .
3 Although these are ‘ laboratory ’ specimens , they 've been kicking around for about six months and I 'd expect them to be detected quickly .
4 And I 'd expect them to be here .
5 I used to find myself walking the landing bladed up and it only needed one word out of place and I 'd turn them into a Tetley Tea Bag and I 'd never get out .
6 I mean ones you 'd write here and I 'd take them with me . ’
7 But I 'd hump them into the sitting room .
8 Most of my occasional tests of 500 GP bikes end before I would like them to , simply because my arms can no longer resist the braking g-forces and I 'm likely to get flipped off .
9 By now it had become clear that the way to approach the show would be to do the linking material as near to Joyce 's as I could , but to do the sketches very much more as I would approach them as an actress .
10 I had only pretended I did n't know , preferring to see things as I would like them to be , rather than as they were , imprisoning myself in a ramshackle edifice of lies because I could n't bear to knock it down and start again , shivering and alone in a great expanse of sand .
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