Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I du n no what to do , so I go back to the caff and have a look in the window .
2 They are pulled away impatiently by Bill , so I sit back on the side lines .
3 ‘ So , in the meantime — ’ it was almost as though he 'd read her mind ! ‘ — I suggest that you and I go back to the party .
4 She laughs and throws the duvet at me , and I sit back on the sofa-bed as she slips out into the hall .
5 And so it seems to me that what has got to be proven , and I come back to the point , is that something has changed and we have n't heard anything that has changed er in in that time .
6 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
7 And I look back to the Alliance days and Dr Owen 's flirtation with elements of Flatcher of Flatcherism , pardon me .
8 If I go back along the path again he can have a good sniff there .
9 If I go back to the diagonal layer , quite often I get a question .
10 If I look back on the people who have led me very well in the past , it was those who were able to create and sustain just such a sense of challenge .
11 ‘ You can wait here until I get back from the Khirgiz . ’
12 ‘ Well , do n't start till I get back into the audience , ’ he commanded .
13 ‘ Could we meet downstairs later , after I come back from the course ? ’
14 So er to look at it er another way , w I , I 'll stop before I go back to the erm slides , because I want to show you a few on you know erm er the way that money 's worked over the last forty years , but if you look at index-linked certificates , cos somebody mentioned that , are they worth having ?
15 So it was maybe a half-hour before I go back to the main adobe .
16 Here 's him — no parents , no roof over his head , on the streets , sleeping God knows where — and here 's me moaning on about waiting sixteen hours for my boy-friend to ring and being terrified that Mummy and Daddy 'll tell me off when I get back to the Nest .
17 It 's 3 a.m. when I get back to the cottage .
18 Tell 'em — or I 'll tell 'em when I get back to the States — I 'm pulling .
19 When I get back to the room she is still in bed , lying naked on her belly beneath the sheet .
20 There 's a pile of papers which I must read when I get back to the hotel , ’ he said , and grimaced .
21 yeah and like learning my Romeo and Ju I think I might actually sit down on Sunday and learn that cos I 'm gon na be at home but I , it 's quite good I 'll , I 'll see Foxy when I get back in the evening because parents have got ta come back for the parents ' meeting .
22 Then , when I come back with the welding torch , no sign of the bastard .
23 Charlie 'd said he wanted to phone Lilian and when I come back over the road he was in a phone box .
24 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
25 When I go back to the police station I 'll write today that I 've been at Harlowbury School all day doing a school visit and a school talk to different classes .
26 I should save that type of language for when I go back to the West Indies .
27 When I look back over the years I see impatience as the great sin of life .
28 He was a ‘ chest case ’ for years and when I look back at the photographs of him he 's always trying to look normal but actually his face is pained from trying to breathe .
29 When I look back at the photographs I think And even when it was long I had , there was one hairdresser there called Paul , whom I 'd go and see regularly .
30 When I look back on the long friendship , I realize that I need not have had certain misgivings about troubling Eliot or taking up his time — misgivings due to temperamental diffidence rather than to genuine modesty , I am afraid — because he was both generous of his time and solicitous about the welfare of those in whom lie took an interest .
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