Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] never [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 where the games are getting played or I 've never seen it in a paper that I 've picked up in the morning , it 's never been in it !
2 ‘ I like Dickon , although I 've never seen him . ’
3 They 've got the spare uniform somewhere , although I 've never seen it .
4 I do n't remember that I 've never seen it on any minutes
5 It 's just that I 've never met anyone as nice as you talk .
6 Apart from the fact that I 've never known her dig up a weed or pick a single daffodil , she simply is n't cut out for that kind of work . ’
7 So I can honestly say that I 've never known anyone who 's ever played for Leeds .
8 So I can honestly say that I 've never known anyone who 's ever played for Leeds .
9 It may seem that I 've never taken my title seriously , but below the skin I have great respect for it , and for this house too and the men who have gone before me who made it .
10 Maybe it works in the case of God ; I 've always been so afraid it would n't that I 've never tried it .
11 The woman was definitely shocked , and by the fact that I 've never bathed my child .
12 My continuing admiration for his work is not diminished by the fact that I have never received it , nor did I really expect it .
13 I even know , thanks to Montesquieu , that one may be a Persian , but as for Man , I declare that I have never met him in my life ; if he exists it is without my knowledge.1
14 ‘ However , ’ Herbie continued , ‘ I will concede that I have never seen one as far upstream as this before . ’
15 It 's just that I have never seen him
16 I will make sure that I meet you but I shall pretend that I have never seen you before .
17 Gervase , you have perhaps noticed that I have never removed my underpants in your presence .
18 Readers may be surprised to learn that I have never owned anything larger than a 48″ × 18″ × 18″ , though at one point many years ago a 72″ × 18″ ( angle iron , with a divided front like the windscreen in very old Morris Minors ) nearly came to live with me .
19 But for me , soon after the operation , there occurred something so removed from anything I had ever experienced that I have never forgotten it .
20 They were both just records to me , so I 've never felt anything like that . ’
21 I do n't eat prepared food myself , so I have never liked it for my terrier .
22 I know you write under the pseudonym of Ben MacLean and wish to keep your literary activities secret , so I have never seen anything wrong in taking in your mail . ’
23 and I 've never wanted one since because er luckily I 've got erm my wife who , we get about together .
24 I did n't know that they could , but I 'd always sworn to her that I would never involve her in any way and I 've never broken my word .
25 No I 've never campaigned for that , and I 've never supported it in that sense .
26 and I had never felt it anywhere else and I 've never felt it since !
27 And I 've never done one like that .
28 And I 've never done anything really badly .
29 We 've always been a rather loosely-knit family , and I 've never seen him . ’
30 Took the chap away and I 've never seen anything of 'em since .
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