Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [vb pp] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's up to Social Services , and Social Services may choose , although I have got to say it 's unlikely , to register a children 's or an elderly person 's home despite the fact that we 've given advice that they should n't .
2 Er in order to do that I 've got to give you various reassurances .
3 There 's nothing else that I 've got to tell you !
4 It 's just that I have arranged to meet him tonight sometime to sort out a few things for me would of made a lot more sense if he 'd been here !
5 Nonetheless , I believe that the CA approach can get us further with the study of code switching than other approaches tried so far , and it is on that basis that I have chosen to use it in this book .
6 The Americans that I have spoken to tell me that the average amount of fluid they use in a case is 24 to 32 oz .
7 I 'm very sorry that as soon as I have finished this welcome this morning that I have got to leave you , and I am very sorry that I shall not be able to return this evening for your dinner which I would originally look forward very much to but I trust that you will enjoy the company of the Chairman of our Environmental Services Committee , Councillor Robin Draga , who is attending on my behalf .
8 ‘ It is about Sir Charles that I have come to see you , ’ I said .
9 So I 've decided to give him Araminta , after all .
10 They put too much make-up on me , so I 've decided to do it myself .
11 I ca n't change my face , so I 've learned to like it , and like who I am .
12 ‘ I 'm encouraging people to diversity , so I 've got to let them know what the pitfalls are . ’
13 So I 've come to introduce him .
14 We talked it over and I 've decided to let you 'ave five pounds .
15 I 've g I 've got about a half a dozen sheets of paper scattered all over the place , and I 've decided to do it in this cos then I can just go to here .
16 ‘ Mrs Parker promised Miss Mates some roses , and I 've called to collect them . ’
17 I I meant yesterday but you see , cos you gave me a bag yesterday and I 've meant to bring it today , I forgot it .
18 The Prime Minister can not stand Enoch Powell 's steely and accusing eye looking at him across the table any more , and I 've had to move him down the side . ’
19 I mean I ca n't get my hands covered with flour and egg and stuff if he 's going to cry and I 've got to pick him up , can I ?
20 I 've got to rig something else up on the back and I 've got to hang it up
21 No , I ca n't say I like any of these jobs — I do them because they 've got to be done : I 'm here and I 've got to do them ( all said in a dragging monotone ) .
22 ‘ It 's all behind me now and I 've got to put it down to experience .
23 So if you compare critical illness and death with what happens at the time , and I 've got to ask you this .
24 away till Thursday well we wo n't see her Wednesday and I 've got to tell her about that Mrs what 's her name that 's
25 And I 've got to tell you it 's erm , an area which they ask questions about very frequently .
26 ‘ Mr Wexford , I 've heard all you 've said and I 've got to believe it .
27 And I 've got to laugh it .
28 And I 've got to roll it again with the roller .
29 God , you must know this character inside-out by now , and I 've got to get it presentable in a fortnight .
30 ‘ She goes to school at Sanderstown College , and I 've got to know her well because she sails on the Mantela every holiday .
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