Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [adv] seen [pron] " in BNC.

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1 where the games are getting played or I 've never seen it in a paper that I 've picked up in the morning , it 's never been in it !
2 ‘ I like Dickon , although I 've never seen him . ’
3 They 've got the spare uniform somewhere , although I 've never seen it .
4 Although I 've certainly seen you , ’ said Zeinab .
5 Although I have not seen it scratch against rocks recently , it does still occasionally gulp air from the surface .
6 ‘ Not that I 've ever seen him drunk , ma'am . ’
7 I do n't remember that I 've never seen it on any minutes
8 The only reason that I 'm enjoying Neighbours again at the moment is that I have n't seen it for month and I 'm trying to work out which characters have changed , which characters are getting married to which other ones .
9 ‘ Do you realize that I have n't seen you for three whole days , Flavia ?
10 ‘ However , ’ Herbie continued , ‘ I will concede that I have never seen one as far upstream as this before . ’
11 It 's just that I have never seen him
12 I will make sure that I meet you but I shall pretend that I have never seen you before .
13 He looks more confident now than I 've ever seen him .
14 Much more than I 've ever seen anybody .
15 When Macaulay lay in bed ill once , Sydney paid a pastoral call and pronounced : ‘ He is more agreeable than I have ever seen him .
16 I know you write under the pseudonym of Ben MacLean and wish to keep your literary activities secret , so I have never seen anything wrong in taking in your mail . ’
17 I 've found her and I 've actually seen her !
18 We 've always been a rather loosely-knit family , and I 've never seen him . ’
19 Took the chap away and I 've never seen anything of 'em since .
20 I 've backed more shows than you lot have had hot dinners and I 've never seen anything like this .
21 Well I went to see the Chippendales right and I 've never seen there 's seventeen
22 I was helping Con in the saloon , and then he went off to sort out a spot of bother in the public , and I 've hardly seen him since .
23 It was It was a great lot down in Leith here , and I 've often seen it down in Leith docks .
24 He is much better now and I have just seen him walk out of the office unaided . ’
25 At first Minton felt he was too involved with things to get away : ‘ As for Dimbulb Verrico , ’ he told Hunt , ‘ he has taken out a licence to marry his motorbicycle , and I have not seen him since you left …
26 After he finished he stormed out of the building and I have n't seen him since . ’
27 ‘ I do n't know the lady 's name and I have n't seen her these last two days .
28 was actually going to get the information for tonight but she has n't been able to and I have n't seen her .
29 ‘ Well , my Lord , my wife took up with a hawker and man away five years ago : and I have never seen her since , so I married this other woman last winter . ’
30 ‘ I have been 30 hours and more with him this year so far , and I have never seen him take a drink .
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