Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Remember Ma Christie , our Norwegian Pathfinder , who wondered at how his crew just happened to appear as though from some mystique of chance ; how Middleton said in effect " my crew is the best in the Command … leave them be or I return to the Main Force " .
2 Although I agree with the sensible suggestion of my hon. Friend the Member for Cambridgeshire , South-East ( Mr. Paice ) , does my right hon. Friend agree that we must try to prevent these crimes from happening and that the best way to do that is for him to instruct magistrates courts throughout the country to pass very harsh sentences on those who are convicted of this outrageous abuse of private property ?
3 However , once we start to distort the operation of open justice and the consideration of the matters , we may very well , through the operation of rumour and all its insidious effects that are so damaging in libel cases — the only justification that I know for the high damages granted in such cases — inflict more damage on justice than we realise .
4 The Prime Minister answered a question that I put to him earlier this year by referring to the fact that he did not believe that I live in the real world .
5 The clerk , realising from Mirsal 's uniform that I belong to the sacred official class , merely bows his head to the storm , pays up and looks pleasant .
6 It was , therefore , with sadness that I read of the British Olympic Association 's petty , bigoted decision to withhold recognition of the Paralympics team .
7 I was a bit bored this lunchtime , so I though I 'd type in a bit of a report that I read in the Daily Mail about the Hibs game .
8 Well , the gravestone certainly stands by the porch and it does have a hole drilled through it , said to have been where the iron stake was hammered through the stone into the coffin , but I 'm afraid that I agree with the general consensus voiced around the bar of the Sun Inn and the George and Dragon that George Hodgson was guilty of nothing but old age , that the only thing he sucked were his gums , and that the hole in the stone was made for a railing or gatepost .
9 Casements on eternity , these great patient masterpieces ought to calm the mind and nourish the spirit , but seldom do , and its rare that I emerge from the National Gallery feeling I have really taken advantage of what 's on offer .
10 Remember , these are rest days in your training , so you can always do less than I recommend in the specific schedules .
11 I learned more about coaching sprinters by reading this book than I have in the past 30 years in the sport .
12 I think I 've been up and down to the Big Smoke more times since Christmas than I have in the past two years — and the jaunt next weekend — at long last Mark & I have managed to use a Boots free train ticket voucher — two of us for £45.55 — Baaargain !
13 She 's very concerned and the present line partial though it be , represents a a blight situation on that , on the , on potential er occupants of that line and certainly erm I find myself more in in er agreement with Darcy 's views than I do with the other two councillors of East Grinstead , that 's not er not secret
14 I feel more in common with the Reverend William Paley than I do with the distinguished modern philosopher , a well-known atheist , with whom I once discussed the matter at dinner .
15 Clearly I can not get along entirely on factual information , any more than I infer from the mere facts how to act here and now .
16 ’ Rainforest ’ turns out to be the squawking tropical bird noise already playing in the Centre , so I settle for the crashing waves and seagull cries of ’ Ocean ’ .
17 I 'm in bed reading , so I look at the little security system we have , look at the screen — I do n't know this chap , he 's obviously drunk , and obviously ex-public school .
18 So I hope , in my remarks , and I hope in the general tone of the debate , there 's enough to reassure London Region that we need to move forward at a careful pace .
19 As far as I 'm concerned , and I 've through the whole scene of infertility , motherhood is about responsibility and privilege , it 's not about rights , and it 's responsibility that lasts a lifetime and it 's tremendous privilege to be a mother !
20 Er suggested that the officers have a joint meeting and get together and actually ask them what transport to be given the figures er for night flights so that they could and so on , and I know by the recent customer complaints and I believe members attended the meeting of those four Councils so that I think that discuss that .
21 ‘ Ca n't you give up this living ? ’ she asks , and I stare at the invisible ceiling .
22 Rachel and I wait at the little barrier in the station terminus , and again I think what an ordinary pair of holidaymakers we must look — too tatty to be honeymooners , but the same kind of contentment together .
23 I have never seen him at the Council of Europe and I serve on the social , health and family affairs committee , which he has never attended .
24 To the swans MY son and I read about the brutal attack upon the swans at Mill Pond , and were very upset by it .
25 We need to change its structure and I agree with the hon. Member for Ludlow about the need for fundamental reform — indeed , there was a strong contribution to that effect from another Conservative Member .
26 Lucker and I glance across the nipped and tucked waves , no longer King and Queen in a divine state .
27 My wife Eva and I live on the northern-most tip of the island of Barbados where we run the Pirates Tavern and the tourist centre of ‘ Animal Flower Cave ’ .
28 I take it to be a product of the myth I described above : ‘ I am fighting against the entrenched forces of insular stupidity , and I call upon the French to aid me ! ’
29 And I think for the dyslexic child , for the disturbed child generally , we need to offer an atmosphere which is calm .
30 And I think at the present time , all of us on the right are more concerned about getting the economy right and cutting government expenditure that carrying on with er schemes of a privatization that might or might not succeed .
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