Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [that] his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords erm I would only hope that I would be able to do something to my Noble Friend in trying to persuade him that it is n't all that bad erm My Lords I do agree with him though when you I , I think that I 'd be first of all w were to tell him that er not that he would n't be surprised that I thought that his amendment was n't actually necessary , but I do understand his concern , I mean he tries to find his way through the legislation .
2 He was well dressed but had no hat and I noticed that his hair was thin .
3 He was born around the Darlington area and I heard that his family once had money , but lost it in some way .
4 When General Ayub Khan said , ‘ Martial Law is now imposed , ’ both cousin Zafar and I understood that his voice — that voice filled with power and decision and the rich timbre of my aunt 's finest cooking — was speaking a thing for which we knew only one word : treason .
5 I was very relieved to discover that was all he was worrying about , because I knew that his blindness made no difference at all to my love for him .
6 It was a day or two before I realized that his behaviour was becoming more than a little frenetic , to say the least .
7 The Feldwebel had not moved and I looked all the way up his black leather jack-boots and the thin grey greatcoat with its cheap tin buttons looking as if they had come out of a Christmas pudding before I noticed that his eyes were slightly open and that he was watching me with an uncle 's amusement .
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