Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [be] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I made my way to a cottage near the church , where I had been told I could expect a night 's lodging .
2 It was getting dark and the wind had freshened , the rain gusting through the length of the shed so I decided that it was time to pack up and head for the nearest hospitable pub where I had been told I would be able to get a good meal of hot pie and peas .
3 Capron said it had come to his attention that I 'd been meeting you and that it had to stop . ’
4 But it 's all so ironic — if my little tinkering with her inhaler had n't led to her death nobody would have known that Doreen guessed — that I 'd been helping myself to the firm 's cash now and then — only piffling amounts over the years I 'd been with them , a few thousand here and there , just enough for some designer clothes and jewellery .
5 My running told me that I had been wasting my time all those years , but I did n't regret that too much .
6 It was the directions that I had been giving them that I now began to consider .
7 I checked through my notes to make sure I had the correct dates , aware I had the correct dates , aware that I had been finding it hard to concentrate .
8 People had been wandering past us and paying the man in the booth in the white lodge and I 'd been envying them opening their purses and their wallets and shelling out all that money .
9 Well , I phoned them up , and I 'd been badgering them , and they told me to wait for a further communication .
10 And I 'd been paying it for two years then
11 Because of the track , navigation had been easy and I had been leaving my sextant in the Land Rover .
12 I sat there silent for a moment while he went on looking at me sympathetically as if I 'd been telling him a hard-luck story .
13 If I 'd been buying my fist laser today , the poor benighted soul would be less likely to endure a coronary , since , for less than one thousand pounds I could nip out and buy a very nicely specified machine .
14 ‘ He asked me if I 'd been teaching them about poisonous plants , ’ said Corbett Farraday .
15 If I 'd been carrying my gun I 'd have pulled it .
16 Whyte ( 1955 ) agrees : ‘ As I sat and listened , I learned the answers to questions I would not have had the sense to ask if I had been getting my information solely on an interviewing basis . ’
17 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
18 Elizabeth ( because I had been defending her ) came to visit me .
19 I did not suffer any side effects myself from the new drug but , after I had been taking it for nearly two years , I became pregnant .
20 I did not suffer any side effects myself from the new drug but , after I had been taking it for nearly two years , I became pregnant .
21 They wanted their own announcer , a local girl , not one from London , and as I 'd been presenting it on radio since I was 13 , they asked me to try my hand on television .
22 He hoped that I could undertake something in that line , especially in relation to Italy : for I had been giving him my impressions of the visit to Rome , which included encountering at close quarters , Mussolini , Count Ciano , and Edda his wife , and the by comparison rather puny Neville Chamberlain .
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