Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [conj] she had " in BNC.

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1 Her back was to me and I saw that she had her fingers crossed behind her back as she spoke .
2 She had let me see a draft of it , and I fancied that she had been a little timid about the dénouement , which was death in a motor accident , and feared that her own terrible anxiety over her son in the past might have inhibited her .
3 ‘ I told you not to bother , ’ Ellen said disparagingly as she climbed the main companionway , and I guessed that she had been listening to my conversation with Billingsley by standing just under the saloon skylight which was propped open .
4 I had to investigate her , and I diagnosed that she had cancer of the lungs .
5 I made it clear that I wanted our discussion that morning to focus on business matters , but I realised that she had a need to talk to someone , preferably someone discreet .
6 ‘ No , just a friend , ’ I said too quickly , before I realized that she had almost certainly not been on duty when Sal was brought in .
7 I did not see her again until during the afternoon lessons , when I noticed that she had been sent to stand alone in the middle of the schoolroom .
8 My heart ached for her as I realised that she had joined the ranks of so many others I had known , who had watched their men fly off into the dusk , never to be heard of again .
9 I was surprised , for I knew that she had no relatives in England at all .
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