Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [pron] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It looked like half a letter T. The needle was so bent that I knew I knew that I would not be able to remove it in the usual way , so I took my heavy pliers ( the ones with which I behead the Passap/Pfaff needles when they got damaged ) and cut off the top of the needle , below the bend .
2 And I thought you felt as I did , that it was impossible for you to have a child . ’
3 Yeah , and I thought you said that you 'd scrapped all that ?
4 You know when the eyes kept itching , last time , and I said I wondered if it were 'cos of birds ,
5 When he asked me if I played I admitted that I had done so but insisted that I really was very bad .
6 If I stopped I found that she 'd immediately close them again .
7 I never understood this until I realized he meant that his characters ' uselessness , indolence and longing were typical of the adults he knew when he was a child .
8 If I wrote , his answer might well be on a postcard , but I knew he understood and cared . ’
9 She said no more about it , but I knew she worried when these unexplained absences occurred .
10 Then just before I left I heard that Jennifer 's MS had been diagnosed .
11 Then I had no excuse not to audition for plays , and when I did I found that I enjoyed it .
12 In fact at one stage I thought this lack of drama might make poor reading , however , as I progressed I realised that the Club 's story was a neat piece of social-history entwined with personalities and tested by problems .
13 But w as I said we did because we did n't have a pig .
14 As I watched she turned and almost floated on light footsteps into the hall then through the lounge door .
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