Example sentences of "[conj] i [adv] want [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I thought he looked so lost and unhappy that I just wanted to comfort him at first , and Chris says he just thought I was kind .
2 Well I 've got lots of acquaintances but I do n't know that I necessarily want to put them on the erm
3 ‘ Sometimes I feel that I never want to see it again . ’
4 As one who went through this situation recently , I ‘ feel ’ for you and I just wanted to let you know this .
5 ‘ Golf was his love and I just wanted to help him .
6 Sadly I have not read this but I am such a fan of the author and he is so well connected that he gets reviews everywhere , and I just wanted to slip it in .
7 But this day is something I 've dreamed of since I was a kid and I just want to enjoy it .
8 One other letter , while we 're mentioning receipts of things , the report does say that er Environmental Services Committee will be considering this and I have er yesterday received a letter from and I just want to tell you the outcome of that before the actual vote occurs , if there is one .
9 She 's looking for a decent second-hand one , and I actually want to buy her a new one , and she does n't know about it .
10 ‘ It probably sounds like a B-movie cliche , but I married my country … and I still want to serve her .
11 I have a debt to pay off and I still want to beat you . ’
12 And I so wanted to see you again — so much , so much !
13 You see , Harry is coming over from America for that month and I so want to see him .
14 He does n't know anything about the baby , and I never want to see him again .
15 And some people in a family intervention turn around and say , ‘ Bugger off , it 's my own life , and I never want to see you again . ’
16 If I really wanted to make it all ‘ organic ’ I 'd take out a section of , like , six guitarists , who could all double up on parts .
17 I had n't expected to be able to speak to Alan before the end of the week , but at a quarter to five Sylvia de Groot telephoned to say that he was free now if I still wanted to see him .
18 ‘ I believed that but I also wanted to wind them up .
19 As a 16-year-old in the theatre , pot was always being smoked around me , but I never wanted to do it . ’
20 But I never want to see him again . ’
21 Now I have gone beyond thirty one because I just wanted to show you the way it goes and it 's easy .
22 Well , do n't worry , Lizzy , because I never want to touch you again as long as I live . ’
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