Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] him a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Tall , tanned , golden hair , and those blue eyes so full of honesty and humour that I thought him a warm , generous man .
2 There was an elderly man about 80 sitting on a seat , so I showed him an old photograph , and he remembered the lady we were with .
3 After half an hour I was still waiting , so I gave him an experimental pull and the hook came back minus the barbel .
4 My priestly friend set me down outside the two cathedrals and I bade him a fond farewell .
5 I bought him one Christmas years and oh hey , we were just married and I ordered him an extending ladder from the Co-op
6 He sank into a fireside chair and I poured him a small medicinal quart of Absinthe to steady his nerves .
7 So I said OK , and I gave him a real fancy one — it was like topiary , and I left him with a rude word on the back of his head .
8 I therefore completed to his satisfaction all the forms he gave me , and I gave him a detailed written description of our proposal , and a revised working drawing showing greater detail , with both of which he seemed satisfied .
9 After that I got us on to less dangerous ground , and I gave him a few tit-bits of intelligence , which was probably what he 'd been after .
10 Micky Danby is a pratt and I owe him a few scores meself . ’
11 I was once a Member of Parliament and one day in the chamber at Westminster , a Puritan , a lozenge of sanctified humility , got up from his arse and roared at me because I called him a blackened turd .
12 Yeah , only I want him to try these on you see because I bought him a new pair yesterday
13 But once , to test this , when I offered him a smoky bacon crisp and said , as he crunched greedily into it , ‘ I did n't know you liked smoky bacon , ’ he sprinted into the bathroom and washed out his mouth with soap , screaming from his frothing lips that he would burn in hell . )
14 when I visit him a second time he did n't turn up at all
15 But I could make no sort of impression upon him … when I visited him a second time , the fear of death was gone , and with it all solicitude about religion . ’
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