Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to say that I remember something about the rest of that walk but I do n't , only that it rained , then it rained some more , and when it got fed up with that , it rained again .
2 You wo n't accept that I knew nothing about the drugs , yet you want my word ?
3 You refuse to accept that I knew nothing about the drugs .
4 Not that I knew anything about the area of course .
5 It was n't until my second year that I told anything like the truth about my father .
6 My point is that I see nothing in the Gracious Speech to enable me to counter the opinions expressed by our European partners who are still proud to know us but bemused that we have a Britain which in their eyes is no longer as great as it was .
7 ‘ I have to confess that I find nothing in the current stock of recent coursebooks to compare in originality or methodological advance with the vastly popular Headway series … ’
8 ‘ I have to confess that I find nothing in the current stock of recent coursebooks to compare in originality or methodological advance with the vastly popular Headway series … ’ — Coursebooks for the '90s , EFL Gazette
9 Erm I 'm always overjoyed when people say things like that to me , that you 've just said , er but I think I understand acting more than I understand anything in the world .
10 and I got one on the C's .
11 I was half asleep when he showed us up to our rooms , Ward and I sharing one at the rear of the building , which , in place of beds , had a double-tier bunk in the corner .
12 Which if you imagine you 've got twenty , twenty four , twenty four people all sat around in that particular format and I nominate somebody within the group , twenty p pairs of eyes focus on this one guy , if he does n't know the answer to the question he 's incredibly embarrassed .
13 I 've already completed mine : my son and I disturbed one on the main path leading up to The Merrick , in Galloway , and ranger Fred Gordon and I saw a very angry one on the path in Glen Cairn in the Cairngorms .
14 Then I 'd er erm a friend come in in the afternoon and er ca n't remember if I had anybody in the evening or not .
15 I do n't really get pocket money but if I see something in the shops in , in , this toy or something my mum , mum 'll buy it for me and say that 's your pocket money for this week .
16 If I see anything on the subject it goes into the file , and eventually I have enough material for a book or an article . ’
17 if I see anything on the table I 'll just pop it in a freezer bag
18 If , she said to herself , writing Marjorie Richardson and Lady Mayhew and Miss Dunstable down for Easter lilies , if I do everything in the parish that I should do , and I keep the garden going and the meals and the house ( sort of ) and the translation , then where can be the harm in doing this other undeniably humble little thing that so curiously makes me feel strong and alive ?
19 And not until I have someone from the American embassy present . ’
20 ‘ I read about it at the time , but I heard none of the details .
21 My final choice will doubtless find few supporters elsewhere , but I want someone with the dynamism to ensure that no winning opportunity is missed .
22 ‘ I 'm extremely sorry , Monsieur de Chavigny , but I have someone on the line who wants to speak to you personally .
23 Hobbs v. Clark was considered and followed in two further driver 's option cases , Director of Public Prosecutions v. Magill [ 1988 ] R.T.R. 337 and Regan v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 102 , but I find nothing in the judgments in these cases which provides independent support for what I have called the doctrine of driver 's preference .
24 Because I had one in the garden here and we moved it actually when we , we took the er hedge out er to put the fence and the gate on er and we moved it somewhere else and it er it just died off .
25 No I want another half because I want something on the other one .
26 You 'll have to wait while I get one from the back store , ’ he said .
27 Whilst I had nothing in the way of academy to display , I had won an open competition at the YMCA Baghdad Tennis Tournament , and was scrum-half for a 15 that was scratched up to play odd sides like the Palestine Police , or a crew from a Red Sea sloop on a visit .
28 I was a student in London but I was at home on this occasion when I met someone in the park .
29 When I said something of the sort , Dr Kepepwe explained that most of the original staff of the hospital were serving with British troops in Operation Total Tartary , in Murmansk , Usbekistan , the front in the Caucasus , and the new revolutionary area opening up round Lake Baikal .
30 He felt her slim shoulder move under the thick fabric of the tartan shirt , " as much as I know anything at the moment , that 's what I think I 'll be doing .
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